Fish Aficionado
I'm just now getting to a point with my tank where I'm ready to start making plans for how I'm going to plant it long term.
Currently this is what I'm doing in my Juwel Rio 180:
1 x 45w T5 "Nature Tube" & 1 x 45w T5 "Day Tube" on for 6hrs a day
10ml of TPN+ added once a week (however, recently I've been doing a lot of water changes and I think I'm probably removing most of it lol)
Planted with wisteria and crypts
These plants are growing really well and I did have an outbreak of diatoms at first but my bristlenoses and MTS have sorted that out. I've also noticed a small amount of little green dots of algae which I'm keeping on top of with normal cleaning.
My plan for the future is to get rid of the wisteria and have:
C.Balansae - or something along these lines, will be planted in front of the filter intake, or if anyone wants to suggest something with a slightly broader leaf (to keep the betta happy
I'm also considering adding a short grass-like plant to place in and around the crypts to define the shape I'm planning on the substrate, but I've no idea what.
So! The way I figure, I'm working with right around 2WPG, probably just under, with displacement. The tank will be quite well stocked in the end with:
1 betta
12 Espei Rasbora
12 Cardinal Tetra
8-10 Sterbai Cory
2 Bristlenose Plecs
and plenty of MTS lol
So I'm thinking plenty of nitrate being produced.
Based on what I've said above, what do I have ahead of me in relation to maintaining these plants and avoiding loads of algae (I've been reading scary posts in the planted section and I'm freaking out haha). I don't want to go the co2 route if at all possible. I just want to be prepared instead of putting the plants I want in the tank to then be disappointed later!
Currently this is what I'm doing in my Juwel Rio 180:
1 x 45w T5 "Nature Tube" & 1 x 45w T5 "Day Tube" on for 6hrs a day
10ml of TPN+ added once a week (however, recently I've been doing a lot of water changes and I think I'm probably removing most of it lol)
Planted with wisteria and crypts
These plants are growing really well and I did have an outbreak of diatoms at first but my bristlenoses and MTS have sorted that out. I've also noticed a small amount of little green dots of algae which I'm keeping on top of with normal cleaning.
My plan for the future is to get rid of the wisteria and have:
C.Balansae - or something along these lines, will be planted in front of the filter intake, or if anyone wants to suggest something with a slightly broader leaf (to keep the betta happy
I'm also considering adding a short grass-like plant to place in and around the crypts to define the shape I'm planning on the substrate, but I've no idea what.
So! The way I figure, I'm working with right around 2WPG, probably just under, with displacement. The tank will be quite well stocked in the end with:
1 betta
12 Espei Rasbora
12 Cardinal Tetra
8-10 Sterbai Cory
2 Bristlenose Plecs
and plenty of MTS lol
So I'm thinking plenty of nitrate being produced.
Based on what I've said above, what do I have ahead of me in relation to maintaining these plants and avoiding loads of algae (I've been reading scary posts in the planted section and I'm freaking out haha). I don't want to go the co2 route if at all possible. I just want to be prepared instead of putting the plants I want in the tank to then be disappointed later!