96 Litre (21 Imperial Gallons Or 25 Us Gallons ) Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2005
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Ive got a 96 litre tank (21.117 imperial gallons or 25.368 us gallons) that already has
1 Guppy
Around 5 fry
2 Marble Mollies
2 (unknown type Mollies)
9 Neon Tetras
4 Flame Tetras
2 Platys
Around 4 platy fry

None are longer than this <------------------------>

Can I add any more? If so how much more of what?
I also want to buy a clown loach. Would this be suitable?
Clownloaches should only be bought in two's or more and the grow larger than you may think.
To be honest the tank isn't really that large however it isn't tiny. Maybe you could put a few pic's on so i could get a better view of things and tell you if it is safe to have them for a a little while.

96 litres is 21.117 imperial gallons or 25.368 us gallons so your calculations have gone wrong somewhere. Clown loaches grow 12 inches+ and should in my opinion be kept in 80 gallons + if you like loaches you could have khuli loaches in your tank but you would have to rehome some of your other fish as you are over stocked. The general guideline is to have an inch of adult size fish per gallon and since you have mostly livebearers your problem will only get worse.


Ok, its not the best photo:


Its got a bit more tank.. I cut of the ends of the tank soz...!
Well it seems like it is just about full. With my calculation it comes to 22 US gallons of fish. And u have a 25 gallon tank. If you tell me what type of the unknown mollies u have it wud help a lot. If ur not sure then ask some1 to ID it. I can help since i have had many mollies also. I doubt u can get any more fish, and u shud definately move ur fries as they will get big and ur tank will be overtsocked by a lot. My advise would be for you to treturn your guppy and ur 2 platiy to ur local fish store. Then you can get some loaches but definately not clown loaches as they require a 55 gallon+
That shud do it, good luck and tell me what you finally turn out to do

- Hopefully this reply helped :)

Thx, yeh my calculations went really wrong! I think i will end up not getting loaches, as that will make me really over stocked, its a shame.

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