75g Tank Overhaul


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
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Well It is Decided, The 75 Gallon is to be torn down and started again :lol: :crazy: :-(

With The Co2 Regulator On the way (Courtesy of PS3Stevo for the advice), it is time to overhaul

The current tank has a severe outbreak of the dreaded BBA, so rather than attempting to cure the whole tank, I will be tearing it down and starting again. That includes moving on the majority of the current Tank mates :-(


Tank Volume : 330 Litres (75 Gallons)
Tank Dimensions : 4ft x 1.5' x 30"
Lighting : 3 x 39w T5's (1 x 6500l, 1 x 8000k, 1 x 10000k)
CO2 : Pressurized CO2 System (FE Method)
Fertilizers : Weekly dosing of TNC Ferts
Substrate : Unsure, Thinking 2 " of Eco Complete, Topped with 1.5" small Black gravel 1-3mm
Filtration : Tetra Tex EX1200
Flow : 4000 LPH (1000 from filter, 3000 via powerhead)


Carpet Plants : Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'

Foreground : cryptocoryne wendtii Brown
: Eleocharis acicularis

Midground : Alternanthera cardinalis
: Nomaphila stricta fleur

Background : Aponogeton Ulvaceus
: Amazon Swords
: Echinodorus ozelot leopard - green
: Gymnocoronis spilanthoides

Bogwood Plants : Taxiphyllum Spiky Moss


30 x Neon Tetras
10 x Khuli Loaches
1 x Siameese Fighter
3 x YoYo Loaches
15 x Rummynose Tetra

So, What do we think?
Interested in this one. Nice to see a hight tech tank. Are you going to use any hardscape apart from bog wood? Also very important to give you journal a fancy name to spur the imagination.
Daily dose them ferts mate, host of trouble if you weekly dose.
Interested in this one. Nice to see a hight tech tank. Are you going to use any hardscape apart from bog wood? Also very important to give you journal a fancy name to spur the imagination.

Hey mate. Will be adding rocks into the mix, going to go for a rock scape with the bogwood petruding from underneath as is the rocks have fallen on top of the wood, if that makes sense?

Daily dose them ferts mate, host of trouble if you weekly dose.

I have the TNC Solution, will I need to divide the weekly amount by 7 and add this daily?
Heres the plan then, any critiques?

Plants Ordered from AquaEssentials

List as follows:

Apongegeton ulvaceus
Echinodorus parviflorus
Echinodorus ozelot leopard Green
Echinodorus ozelot Red
Alternanthera cardinalis
Cryptocorene wendtii brown
Eleocharis parvula
Anubias Barteri
HC Cuba
Pogostemon Helferi

£26 for all this, wasnt too bad i don't think
Bah, you're better on paint than I am.

Looking good, although I agree with Steve on the ferts dosing, it'll be easier with daily for a CO2 system.

Make sure that the powerhead gives good flow in those carpets.
Bah, you're better on paint than I am.

Looking good, although I agree with Steve on the ferts dosing, it'll be easier with daily for a CO2 system.

Make sure that the powerhead gives good flow in those carpets.

Thanks mate.
Will be starting this afternoon hopefully so will upload photos. My turnover will be 4200 lph (call it 4000 minus 200 litre for media) via powerhead and filter. giving me a turnover of 13.5 x

is this enough?
It should be plenty, just remember the position of it.
It should be plenty, just remember the position of it.

So my thoughts were to have the spray bar at the back from the filter spraying across the surface and down the front of the tank.

The intake for the filter will be at the Right hand side.

So position powerhead head lower on the left hand side?
Try a few positions out. If you have gentle swaying of the plants then you're onto a good thing.
Best off having filter inlet and outlet above one and other and the power head opposite end pushing the water back towards filter inlet, that way you'll force the water downwards towards the carpet plants. Also remember just a ripple at the surface is all you need from the spray bar, the plants give the O2. :good:
You mean like this?

Or should I put the powerhead in the opposite corner pointing diagnolly down? Replicated by the "?" mark


Want to make sure I get this Tank Set up Perfect or as clost to perfect :lol:

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