Fish Addict
Well It is Decided, The 75 Gallon is to be torn down and started again
With The Co2 Regulator On the way (Courtesy of PS3Stevo for the advice), it is time to overhaul
The current tank has a severe outbreak of the dreaded BBA, so rather than attempting to cure the whole tank, I will be tearing it down and starting again. That includes moving on the majority of the current Tank mates
Tank Volume : 330 Litres (75 Gallons)
Tank Dimensions : 4ft x 1.5' x 30"
Lighting : 3 x 39w T5's (1 x 6500l, 1 x 8000k, 1 x 10000k)
CO2 : Pressurized CO2 System (FE Method)
Fertilizers : Weekly dosing of TNC Ferts
Substrate : Unsure, Thinking 2 " of Eco Complete, Topped with 1.5" small Black gravel 1-3mm
Filtration : Tetra Tex EX1200
Flow : 4000 LPH (1000 from filter, 3000 via powerhead)
Carpet Plants : Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Foreground : cryptocoryne wendtii Brown
: Eleocharis acicularis
Midground : Alternanthera cardinalis
: Nomaphila stricta fleur
Background : Aponogeton Ulvaceus
: Amazon Swords
: Echinodorus ozelot leopard - green
: Gymnocoronis spilanthoides
Bogwood Plants : Taxiphyllum Spiky Moss
30 x Neon Tetras
10 x Khuli Loaches
1 x Siameese Fighter
3 x YoYo Loaches
15 x Rummynose Tetra
So, What do we think?
With The Co2 Regulator On the way (Courtesy of PS3Stevo for the advice), it is time to overhaul
The current tank has a severe outbreak of the dreaded BBA, so rather than attempting to cure the whole tank, I will be tearing it down and starting again. That includes moving on the majority of the current Tank mates
Tank Volume : 330 Litres (75 Gallons)
Tank Dimensions : 4ft x 1.5' x 30"
Lighting : 3 x 39w T5's (1 x 6500l, 1 x 8000k, 1 x 10000k)
CO2 : Pressurized CO2 System (FE Method)
Fertilizers : Weekly dosing of TNC Ferts
Substrate : Unsure, Thinking 2 " of Eco Complete, Topped with 1.5" small Black gravel 1-3mm
Filtration : Tetra Tex EX1200
Flow : 4000 LPH (1000 from filter, 3000 via powerhead)
Carpet Plants : Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Foreground : cryptocoryne wendtii Brown
: Eleocharis acicularis
Midground : Alternanthera cardinalis
: Nomaphila stricta fleur
Background : Aponogeton Ulvaceus
: Amazon Swords
: Echinodorus ozelot leopard - green
: Gymnocoronis spilanthoides
Bogwood Plants : Taxiphyllum Spiky Moss
30 x Neon Tetras
10 x Khuli Loaches
1 x Siameese Fighter
3 x YoYo Loaches
15 x Rummynose Tetra
So, What do we think?