75 Gallon Tank


New Member
Mar 4, 2012
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i am getting a 75 gallon saltwater fish only with live rock and here is my stocking idea

yellow tang
niger trigger
humu humu trigger
snowflake eel

any other ideas because i want to add somemore fish
Cross out one of the triggers. Coral beauty angels are cool. Maybe even an emperor angel.
Trigger fish can be quite aggressive and will eat just about ANYTHING, so not reef friendly at all!
If you intend on having any reef life then avoid trigger fish, there is only one breed of trigger that don't devour everything in sight but I can't remember it's name.
an emporer angelfish can go in 75 gallon? and no reef planned and i also like crowned toby puffers and warthead anglers

My LFS has a massive supply of fish and they say niger and picasso are peaceful and they keep them together
PS:my LFS is That Pet Place
Yes it can, just make sure to keep the water clean. Niger triggers are one of the more peaceful ones and as Juvis they can be kept together. Once they reach adulthood, they will become more aggressive, or the Picasso trigger at last. :fish:

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