75 gal tank


New Member
Jul 12, 2004
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Detroit, MI
Ok, I just got a 75 gal. :) tank and need to put a filter on it so let’s talk filters.

what is everybody using on systems of this size. I will be stocking it with

1 x Archocentrus spinosissimus
1 x Firemouth Cichlid
1 x Common Pleco

I would like to put another spino in if my fish shop has any more in stock.
and a few other any thoughts on this as well?

So here are some filters,

Marineland Emperor Bio-Wheel
Marineland Tidepool Wet/Dry

any Ideas and thoughts?


I also need to put a heater in as well, any thoughts?


29 gal

1 x Archocentrus spinosissimus
1 x Firemouth Cichlid
1 x Green Terror ( soon to be traded. )
1 x Common Pleco
I have a 90 gallon and am currently using an Ebo-Jaguar heater. They seem rock solid and durable - haven't had any problems for 5+ years with this brand. There is a max water level mark on the heater but it hasn't leaked when I exceeded it (unlike others)

I am using a Fluval 404 for main filtration. Can't say I'd recommend a Fluval. They have good construction and the parts fit together OK. But the problems come when you try to prime it after cleaning. The priming mechanism isn't that effectivetive after half a year or so and you end up either pumping 20 minutes to get the flow going or sucking on the output end (no fun - take my word) They do have the widest selection of filter media though.

I am also running a Rena Filstar XP1 to frive my UV. Love this filter so much that I am getting the XP3 to replace the Fluval. The manual comes in more languages then I'd care to know and the pictogram directions may be lacking in clarity but once you set it up you appreciate how silent and well thought out it is. Priming consists of reconnecting your disconnect mechanism and waiting a few minutes for the bubbles to clear up and then you simply plug it in - that's it. It even has caryy handles.
Personally i only use Eheim filters, particually the classic range as they are quiet, powerful, effective, simple and have masses of room for different medias, quite simply the Rolls Royce of filters.

For heating i use the Visitherm heaters as i like their easy to set function which allows you to see what temperature you are setting it at. In larger tanks like your 75g i always use two heaters of half the recomended wattage each to distribute the heat more evenly and prevent overheating from a stuck heater should it occur.

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