Hello everyone, first post but not a complete newbee to fish keeping. However im doing my first Planted project in a 60 litre Marina tank i picked up from Pets @ home on the cheap.
The filter is fine for what i wanna stock it with and i got a spare heater for it, which is better then the one they provided.I'm gonna go down the JBL Route for nutrition and fertillisation, its a bit more expensive but prob a simple way to start.
im just a bit stuck with the lighting they only provide a 15 watt tube and i was hoping for at least 2 wpg which is roughly 26 watts. whats the best and most simple way to up the lighting? not sure if i casn just buy a higher wattage tube or not?
sadly i no nothing about electrics which im sure is clear from my post, so any help will be appreciated.
sorry this is posted in the wrong place i have re posted in the planted section.
The filter is fine for what i wanna stock it with and i got a spare heater for it, which is better then the one they provided.I'm gonna go down the JBL Route for nutrition and fertillisation, its a bit more expensive but prob a simple way to start.
im just a bit stuck with the lighting they only provide a 15 watt tube and i was hoping for at least 2 wpg which is roughly 26 watts. whats the best and most simple way to up the lighting? not sure if i casn just buy a higher wattage tube or not?
sadly i no nothing about electrics which im sure is clear from my post, so any help will be appreciated.
sorry this is posted in the wrong place i have re posted in the planted section.