55 Gallon Peaceful Stock List

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Fish Crazy
Oct 20, 2012
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hi guys
there's a chance i might have a 55 gallon tank free,so i would like to stock it with loads of really colorful,peaceful fish does anybody
have any ideas ? the tank must incorporate red wagtail platies,guppies and a very small silver shark (5 cm)so what fish could i have know the importance of filtration and i'll make sure the tank is spotless (s in no waste the good bacteria will stay) thanks

if you want a peaceful tank i would suggest getting rid of the shark
He's very small now, but Silver Sharks grow quick, and get to about 12 Inches in size. They can be jumpy and aggressive, especially when not in groups.
i thought bala's where peaceful,i was told they will grow around a foot but would only endanger neon tetras so platties and angel fish would be fine.what should i do would 22 defuse any agression ?

2 not 22 sorry
They *can* be aggressive. It depends on the individual. I have one who isn't aggressive, but he's easily startled and will freak out, hitting other fish/the side or top of tank. I guess if you already have him then you can just play the waiting game; if he shows any sign of aggression further down the track you can always find him a new home.
ah brilliant thanks mate he seems to be shoaling with them every now and then but i suppose only time will tell,so does anybody have any stocking sugestions ?

Platy's are quite nice to keep they dont cause problems with those fish expept the shark might be bad!
oh and please factor in a angelfish ive just got

'Only grows around a foot'?! In what I was is a 4' tank! Bala's need huge tanks - 6' absolute minimum 10' better, 12'+ ideal (and all 2'+ wide, 3' better). They are incredibly active swimmers and need to be able to flex their fins. They also need to be kept in groups of 6+ (again 10+ is better).

Trouble is they're such pretty looking fish and I'm sure stores sell shed loads of them but they never tell you the full story with them.

I'm afraid he has to go and sooner rather than later for the sake of this fish - and no do not under any circumstances get any more! It will make the situation worse...


Danny B
Platy's should be fine with them, but just to keep in mind platy's are livebearers. Corydoras Catfish are peacful fish and if you want to breed they are easy to breed. Swordtails are goof fish and will get along well with all the fish especially the platy and guppy. And are you sure it is 55 gallons and not 55 litres?

Also there are certain fish witch are good together and will not harm yout fish hopefully.

A redtail black shark but BAD tank mates are other redtail black sharks and they are better with unrelated species. Although they can become tyrants when they get older.

There are some other fish but to recomend them to you I need to know if your fish are active or slow-moving or fin-nipping.
no it's defiantly 55 gallons 4ft long my complete stock list at the moment is :

1 spanner barb
1 bala shark
4 red wagtailed platies
4 male guppies (2 yellow fined,2 blue,there was six but after terrible advise from my lfs i introduced a jewel cichlid and well i think you can figure it out)
1 black angelfish

so it seems a bit of a mixture , so any idea's with these,alos ive kept turtles and some fish before so i know you can over stock as long as you keep it well maintained and by over stocked i dont mean like 20,000 guppies or out just more than aquivisor says,thanks

no it's defiantly 55 gallons 4ft long my complete stock list at the moment is :

1 spanner barb
1 bala shark
4 red wagtailed platies
4 male guppies (2 yellow fined,2 blue,there was six but after terrible advise from my lfs i introduced a jewel cichlid and well i think you can figure it out)
1 black angelfish

so it seems a bit of a mixture , so any idea's with these,alos ive kept turtles and some fish before so i know you can over stock as long as you keep it well maintained and by over stocked i dont mean like 20,000 guppies or out just more than aquivisor says,thanks


Well, first off, you need to cycle the tank. Do you know what cycling is and how to do it? And it's not "aging" the water, it's about bacteria in the filter media.

Don't use a.q.advisor. They go by the "one inch per gallon" rule, which is a poor standard to go by. That website said 6 cherry shrimp in a 5 gallon tank with a 10 gallon filter was overstocked.

I would get rid of the bala shark for the reason that they get huge and need schools of 6+ and require tanks 9 ft long. Sell him or return him to the store. I would get rid of the spanner barb, as they get too big and active for a 55 gallon.

I would do:

1x Angelfish
4x Platys
12x Congo Tetras
2x Bristlenose Plecos
Well the list I have provided should be fine but I would recomment not to get the redtail black sharks.
okay thanks the spanner is 5 inch and fully grown ? and seems very content in the tank and is that reaaly all i could have in a 55 gallon tank seems a bit empty thanks


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