4 boxes missing...


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX

I sent out 4 boxes of fish via overnight express mail on Tuesday. They were expected to be delivered yesterday. After a looong night of agonizing worry I've learned that one has been delivered and all the fish are well. 3 more to go :thumbs: :S

Wish us a happy ending!!
I don't understand how anyone sends their fish out... I'm a constant worrier. I will keep my fingers crossed that all of them make it to their destinations safely! ;)
if my 5 fish are perfectly fine n dandy im sure everyone elses will be! :thumbs: like u said they are :flex: tough fishies. :thumbs:
I used to work for UPS, and let's just say I'd never trust anything living with them ... and not much non-living stuff either!

GL with the fish
One more has landed and all is well.

2 more before I can breathe....
noelberg said:
I used to work for UPS, and let's just say I'd never trust anything living with them ... and not much non-living stuff either!

GL with the fish
Unfortunately, shipping is a necessary evil for getting fish to other people around the country, until the scientists get off the duffs and build that Star Trek style transporter, it's our only way of doing it :p

I believe Wuv uses USPS anyway. I'm sure they'll be fine Kelly, your fish are tough little cookies :)

I'm worrying with you Kelly!! I'm sure they'll be fine, but you know I know how it is now. :p C'mon babies, you can make it. :hyper:
Yaaay! And right after you Pm'ed rolln, I got one from karrihug so....deep breath!!!


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