330 Litre Tank Ideas?


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2013
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Hi, I've just ordered a 330 litre fish tank which I'm going to do a fishless cycle with. I'm just wondering what plants, fish, substrate etc everyone would recommend. I only have a 64 litre right now so it's a big jump.
I'd just like some ideas for what I could do with it? Thanks for any suggestions! :)
I'm bias, but I would go for an Mbuna malawi set up. A lot of choices though at that size so good luck :) a large shoal of something would look nice in a planted tank with some bigger fish.
Sorry I don't know what mbuna Malawi set up is lol I'm quite new to fish keeping? :$ would anyone mind explaining?
A set of cichlid species which naturally live in Lake Malawi in Africa are known as Mbuna. They typically need a high carbonate hardness to their water, and need to live in quite overstocked conditions, as they are very aggressive fish. They shouldn't form part of a community, and they need a rocky substrate with no plants.
Oh right. Thanks for the info. That's something I'll have to look into :)
Here's an example, I like it but others may hate it ha ha As said above, you can't mix these with other fish though, so if you want a community set up then it won't be a goer. You would also ideally need suitable water parameters where you live unless you want to play around with it (not a great ideas IMO).
That looks pretty cool :) I've had a look on the Internet and it sounds pretty hard work lol
I'd be interested in a community tank if anyone has any ideas about that too?
SarahMarie said:
That looks pretty cool
I've had a look on the Internet and it sounds pretty hard work lol
They aren't really any more difficult to keep than anything else if you have compatible types.
You can keep American Cichlids in a community tank - within reason of course :D
But in a decent sized tank like this you could keep things like Severums, Red Head Tapajo Geophagus, Rainbow Cichlids, Blue Acaras (or most kind of Acara really) Thread Fin Acara and Angels. Not all of them though and there are more species out there, that list is mainly South American but even some Central Americans would be manageable in this tank. Then you can keep them with things like Disk Tetras, larger Livebearers like Swordtails, Headstanders, some Barbs, most mid-large loaches and there are a ton of catfish you can keep with them - I have mine in with Flag Tail Catfish, Wood Catfish, Whiptail Catfish and Dwarf Hoplos but there are tons and tons of other options :)
Hope thats helped :)
Wow. So many! Lol I'll do some research on them all before I make a decision. This is my first tank where I actually have a clue what I'm doing, whereas with the one I have now I had no idea about fishless cycling or anything! Whoops! So I want it to be perfect :D
Thanks so much for the advice! :)
No problem :) I always find seriouslyfish.com to be a good site for profiles and of course planetcatfish is always fantastic :)

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