30cm cube guppy tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2021
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This was my original 30cm cube tank originally for shrimp.
Had it cycling for about a month and a half then added two guppies.I waited about another 3 weeks and added another 2 guppies. Now about two months later I realised the setup wasn't working as there was to many places for diatoms to build up so I transferred the fish to a bucket with a sponge filter along with the cycled sponges and rocks that had BB on them, while I cleaned out the tank.
this is what it looks like now until I get to lfs to get live plants and hardscape.
I want to make it have a jungle style.
Any plant suggestions would be great.
Also if anyone can think of small algae eaters I could add to this tank.
Good news I'm going to my lfs on the weekend to get plants and everything I need for the planted tank.
Liquid carbon is things like Seachem Flourish Excel - there are several other brands as well but this is the most common one. They are marketed as a substitute for CO2 and usually contain a chemical which is not fish-friendly.

[Seachem make other products with Flourish as part of the name. It's just Excel which should be avoided]
That is the tank a few hours after being set up.
The sponge filter is just in there to clear the water.

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