Mostly New Member
I have several tanks of guppies going in my bedroom, I have built a sturdy aquarium stand to hold a 55 gallon tank that I got a few weeks ago. My male guppies are in a 30 gallon tank with an Aqueon hob filter for a size 30 to 45 gallon, the filter I got for the 55 is an Aqueon 55/75 and the filter replacements are the same, the 55/75 uses two, where as the 30/34 uses one. After much thought, and input from here, I decided to make it my planted tank with the bulk of the adult fish and use smaller tanks for selected breeding or for birthing tanks. My question is this, since the tank I got was a used tank, no leaks and I cleaned it well, could I use the already cycled filter cartridge from my 30 to start up my 55 and since I want to do a water change, do a complete change using the gravel and plants from the 30, including all its rocks and some of its snails added to the 55 with the addition of dechlorinated aged water as if it were a water change of 45%, but instead of taking water away, I would be adding water, about 25 gallons, it would be like removing 13 gallons from the 30 and adding 13 fresh water back. Would this work just fine?