So just today I ordered a 2.5 aqueon betta bow. I plan on heavily planting it with a few pieces of driftwood. So I'd originally planned on trying to cheat the cycling process by using a water change from an established tank, and adding some of the gravel or sand from one of my other aquariums. I'd originally planned on doing just red cherry shrimp, or some other type of dwarf shrimp. But then I was thinking I might try having one male betta...I know the minimum is really five gallons, but this would be heated, filtered and cleaned on a regular basis. My question is would the betta just gobble up the shrimp? Or is there any other single very small fish I could fit in a 2.5? I know, that the smallest for any fish is a betta in a 5 gallon, but could I perhaps fit something like a single guppy or anything like that? I realize that I don't really consider something an aquarium if it doesn't have fish. I don't particularly like guppies, but really anything that can go with a few RCS and do ok in a planted 2.5.