19 Inch Fire Eel Tank Mates?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I bought a 19 inch Fire eel yesterday and a real beauty he is too

I've always wanted a tank with one of these as the focal point

As I've bought him I'm selling off some of the current inhabitants although they are big enough to be with him at the moment, , as he is the fish I have always wnted I couldn't resist to buy him

The tank is 60x30x24

With the fire eel in there I'm wonderingbout other fish to have swimming about. I have 8 large silver dollars in there and may just keep them in there, but was wondering bout a shoal of large Boesmanis instead or do people think they would become fire eel food?

I know fire eels are very predatory and I have seen the size of their mouths when gaping, are smaller plecs about 6 inch at risk of being eaten or would they be left? I only ask as they do dnot look very palatable?
If the eel is well fed I doubt the plecs would be at risk but I guess there is always a possibility. I'd think like most fish if it fits in it's mouth it will have a go!

Not sure about Boesmanis, (I know when I had senegal bichir they were a favourite midnight snack :eek: ) maybe some bigger rainbows? reds are very striking.

Any pics of this monster eel yet? :drool:
I just nearly bought a very similar specimen from Pier, yours from there? They were lovely ones they had
I just nearly bought a very similar specimen from Pier, yours from there? They were lovely ones they had

yeah got mine yesterday, not as much in as usual there but still cold have spent a fortune!!!!

Any pics of this monster eel yet? :drool:

I'll sort some later, ain;t got round to it yet!! ha ha been cleaning tanks today and water change on pond. my water bill will be huge!!
I just nearly bought a very similar specimen from Pier, yours from there? They were lovely ones they had

yeah got mine yesterday, not as much in as usual there but still cold have spent a fortune!!!!

Any pics of this monster eel yet? :drool:

I'll sort some later, ain;t got round to it yet!! ha ha been cleaning tanks today and water change on pond. my water bill will be huge!!

U see that catfish in the cold section? Must have been 3ft, as wide as me, a real monster
I just nearly bought a very similar specimen from Pier, yours from there? They were lovely ones they had

yeah got mine yesterday, not as much in as usual there but still cold have spent a fortune!!!!

Any pics of this monster eel yet? :drool:

I'll sort some later, ain;t got round to it yet!! ha ha been cleaning tanks today and water change on pond. my water bill will be huge!!

U see that catfish in the cold section? Must have been 3ft, as wide as me, a real monster

I took a pic of it and the tank of big orangeplecs in cold section, amazing!!!
congrats on the purchase, it will be a great addition to your tank. I have a 24/25" fire eel...video below


I would not really worry too much about normal size fish or even corys 'unless they are really small'.

I have 4 large silver dollars, jack d, green terror, heart shaped flowerhorn, various large corys, 5 different plecs, clown
loaches, silver shark, poly senegulas, tire track eel, spiney eels, livingstoni plus many others and i dont have any issues.

The fire eel is really placid and does not bother anything in the tank, they hide most of the time and get used to feeding
times, which is when they tend to come out looking for food. I tend to feed mine blood worm and prawns which it loves.

I have heard fire eels are fussy eaters, and whilst i give my other fish flake, i always buy a bag of cheap 'cocktail prawns'
and hand feed the fire eel a few prawns a day and as you can see, it is stunning and so will yours be...hope to see some
vids of it soon!
I just nearly bought a very similar specimen from Pier, yours from there? They were lovely ones they had

yeah got mine yesterday, not as much in as usual there but still cold have spent a fortune!!!!

Any pics of this monster eel yet? :drool:

I'll sort some later, ain;t got round to it yet!! ha ha been cleaning tanks today and water change on pond. my water bill will be huge!!

U see that catfish in the cold section? Must have been 3ft, as wide as me, a real monster

I took a pic of it and the tank of big orangeplecs in cold section, amazing!!!

what catfish, put a link here? :shifty:
I just nearly bought a very similar specimen from Pier, yours from there? They were lovely ones they had

yeah got mine yesterday, not as much in as usual there but still cold have spent a fortune!!!!

Any pics of this monster eel yet? :drool:

I'll sort some later, ain;t got round to it yet!! ha ha been cleaning tanks today and water change on pond. my water bill will be huge!!

U see that catfish in the cold section? Must have been 3ft, as wide as me, a real monster

I took a pic of it and the tank of big orangeplecs in cold section, amazing!!!

what catfish, put a link here? :shifty:

I never got a pic m8. Not sure it was on sale or a rescue. It would have ur arm, never mind fingers. It was amazing
I just nearly bought a very similar specimen from Pier, yours from there? They were lovely ones they had

yeah got mine yesterday, not as much in as usual there but still cold have spent a fortune!!!!

Any pics of this monster eel yet? :drool:

I'll sort some later, ain;t got round to it yet!! ha ha been cleaning tanks today and water change on pond. my water bill will be huge!!

U see that catfish in the cold section? Must have been 3ft, as wide as me, a real monster

I took a pic of it and the tank of big orangeplecs in cold section, amazing!!!

what catfish, put a link here? :shifty:

I never got a pic m8. Not sure it was on sale or a rescue. It would have ur arm, never mind fingers. It was amazing

it was a big armored one like a slender but longer Irwini
i want a link lol and 8inary ive seen that video and never new it was someones on heres its amazing

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