12L Micro Tank

mam- don't forget that the nitrite bacs reproduce more slowly. One should have more days with nitrite readings than days with ammonia readings during a cycle. Plus the nitrite numbers go higher. As one nears the end of the cycle the nitrite, having seemed somewhat stubborn about dropping, will suddenly move much faster.
Thanks TTA. Have been wondering what should I do if the ammonia goes to 0 again before the nitrite bacs kick in? Will the ammonia bacs just hibernate until the next dose is required? The snack dose raised the level to 0.5ppm Have got a new ammonia test kit as I was expecting a higher result tbh - I know it won't be as high as initially but I was expecting 1ppm yesterday Having said that it's hard to be terribly accurate at 0.15ml even with a medical syringe!
Am testing daily now so I guess there's a bit of room for manouevre.
Today's results are:
ammonia 0ppm
nitrite 2-5ppm still quite purple.
Will see what tomorrow's results bring.
Mamashack said:
Will see what tomorrow's results bring.
It's like getting close to home from a road trip, needing to "make water" (gave me the giggles every time grandma said that) but deciding to hold it, and the closer you get to home the harder it is to hold. By the time you're unlocking the door, you're practically wetting your leg.
Can't wait to see a pic of the two platys in the tank!
Now I can only think of Mamashack crossing her legs :)
Gee thanks for that image, you two! lol
Hopefully as TTA said there'll be a sudden drop in the nitrItes soon and then we'll be on the home-stretch!
Can't wait (but know I must!) to get the 2 tiny platies in there to feed them up a bit - got some Liquifry to give them a boost along with crushed flake and will offer them chopped (defrosted) bloodworms when they get a bit bigger and of course I will post pictures of them in there. Got to think about decor soon. Shall I keep the mature gravel in there or ditch it? Had contemplated a bare-bottomed tank at one point but not so sure now.
I've tied some off-cut anubias to a piece of wood with fishing line and that's in one of the bigger tanks waiting to be transferred (didn't want to jinx the cycle by adding before it's completed) Got 2 flattish pieces of rock already in there - so I think I just need to arrange it all nicely and hope it looks good.
Am also thinking about eventually adding a couple of small shrimp (suggestions welcome as amanos would be too big I think - tho readily available) along with a few ramshorn snails which hopefully will breed and become larder snails for the bigger tanks assassins that have done such a good job with the interlopers that came in with the plants.
Well on this 17th day of the new cycle, the nitrIte has plummeted to 0.5ppm (yay!!!) so a full Kleenoff dose (0.5ml haha!) has been added and will test again in 24 hrs. If all goes well could be making the transfer in the next couple of days - fingers and everything else crossed!
Oh my goodness I've seen some gorgeous blue shrimp called BlueVelvet/Dream Blue. They are absolutely divine and I want some! Now!!! lol
Has anyone ever kept any? If so how easy are they to keep and where did you get them?
That's a lovely colour.  I've only ever heard of blue jellies but this looks much deeper.
Oh I'm gutted - I was going to buy blue jellies from a local shrimp supplier but it looks like they've stopped trading :(
That's disappointing, daize!
Found the blue velvets here - they have blue pearls and blue carbon rilis too, but the colour of the blue velvet is so deep and rich! I have never had any livestock apart from tough-as-boots snails delivered by post so am a bit wary. However I doubt they'd have them in the LFS!
Still got a few days left for the cycle I reckon so I'll ponder on it.
EDIT: forgot the link! lol
Oh they looks just as nice I think, daize and not quite as expensive as the blue velvets. Are they close enough for you to collect?
I'd have to risk having them posted - oooooh decisions! lol
I'd have them posted too.  I think Kesgrave Tropicals has a good reputation.  They certainly seem to have a lot of experience shipping shrimp and fish with good feedback.
I've never seen blue shrimp in my LFS.  I've seen red, orange and green cherries, CRS and Amano's, but never blue shrimp.
I'm really tempted! Do you think you'll get some?
Well I didn't last long did I? I've ordered 4 and they should be delivered next Thursday. Have my fingers crossed the tank will be ready by then. If not then I'll put them in one of the others until it is fully cycled. (I've got a shrimp log pyramid thingy so hopefully they can hide if they need to.) Fingers crossed they can go straight into their new home along with the teeny platies (will have to think of nicknames for them!). I think the platies will be ok with them as they are in with amano shrimp now which are much bigger.
(What do you think of Itsy and Bitsy for the platies?? lol)
I will probably order some next week.  I badly need to sort my 35L out.

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