10 Gallon Tank Project


Mostly New Member
Oct 5, 2013
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I haven't been on in a long time, but I need help! My betta (Floyd) is currently in a 1.5 gallon tank. My mom has finally decided that I can upgrade! (YAY!)

So... I have a few questions.
1) Is this kit a good choice?
Or should I just buy things seperately?

2) I have a heater already. I believe it's 5-15 gallon. Will this work?

3)I need a siphon right? Can someone give an explanation of how it works? And how often (and how much) to clean?

4) I was thinking about getting Floyd some buddies. I want ghost shrimp and White Cloud Mountain Minnows. How many of each should I get? Or should I consider different fish/creatures?

5) Should I do a Fishless Cycle or a Fish-In cycle?

Chances are I'll come up with more, but for now this is it.
1) I prefer to buy kits, but make sure they have a NICE filter
2) How many watts? 50-75 watts is good
3) Yes, you just suck the small in, put it into a bucket, and then stick the large end into the gravel, and siphon all the gravel. I do a 50% change once a week
4) I would get some otos or pygmy cories,. as I know most bettas eat shrimp and Im not sure about minnows. You can have 7-9 of one or the other species.
5) FISHLESS! Always :D
EllieJellyEllie said:
1) I prefer to buy kits, but make sure they have a NICE filter
2) How many watts? 50-75 watts is good
3) Yes, you just suck the small in, put it into a bcket, and then stick the large end into the gravel, and siphon all the gravel. I do a 50% change once a week
4) I would get some otos or pygmy cories,. as I know most bettas eat shrimp and Im not sure about minnows. You can have 7-9 of one or the other species.
5) FISHLESS! Always :D
Thanks! Very helpful!
4) Really? I found the shrimp off an article of recommend buddies. They were highly recommended by many people I know. I was originally thinking of adding a snail too, but someone said that they are VERY hard to get rid of.
Would not recommend WCMM with a  Betta.
WCMM are temperate fish, means they prefer cooler temps than typical tropical temps.
Ch4rlie said:
Would not recommend WCMM with a  Betta.
WCMM are temperate fish, means they prefer cooler temps than typical tropical temps.
Okay. Good to know. :)

I like the pygmy cories... :)
Pygmy Cories would be ideal with Betta
As for shrimps, some bettas are okay with them, while others aren't, so it's a very hit-or-miss affair.
OP; does your betta's current tank have a filter? If it does, you don't need to cycle the new tank, you can just move everything from the little tank to the bigger one, or you can put all the stuff from inside your current filter into the new one. Technically it's not tanks, or even filters, that cycle; it's the media inside them.
If your current tank doesn't have a filter, you might as well put him into the big tank straight away; the larger volume of water will dilute his wastes more so he'll be better off, even if the new tank isn't cycled.
fluttermoth said:
As for shrimps, some bettas are okay with them, while others aren't, so it's a very hit-or-miss affair.
OP; does your betta's current tank have a filter? If it does, you don't need to cycle the new tank, you can just move everything from the little tank to the bigger one, or you can put all the stuff from inside your current filter into the new one. Technically it's not tanks, or even filters, that cycle; it's the media inside them.
If your current tank doesn't have a filter, you might as well put him into the big tank straight away; the larger volume of water will dilute his wastes more so he'll be better off, even if the new tank isn't cycled.
Wow! Glad to hear this! It does have a filter! A very tiny one though. I want a better one because its so tiny.
You can get a bigger one, just put the bits of media into the bigger one.
Exactly that.
You can take it apart and discard the plastic bits, if it makes it easier to get it into the new filter.
Got the tank kit, fine for a Betta.
Also have the filter, from a 1.5 gal. kit, works fine with a small bioload like a Betta, however if you want more fish, you'll need more filtration.
I prefer heaters with temperature settings.
As Fluttermouth said, with Bettas and shrimp, and all tank buddies it depends on temperment. I just got some Ghost shrimp for Bulldog Fred's tank, and he ignores them.
fluttermoth said:
Exactly that.
You can take it apart and discard the plastic bits, if it makes it easier to get it into the new filter.
Okay. I got it now. Thanks so much!

frapadoodle said:
Got the tank kit, fine for a Betta.
Also have the filter, from a 1.5 gal. kit, works fine with a small bioload like a Betta, however if you want more fish, you'll need more filtration.
I prefer heaters with temperature settings.
As Fluttermouth said, with Bettas and shrimp, and all tank buddies it depends on temperment. I just got some Ghost shrimp for Bulldog Fred's tank, and he ignores them.
Okay. Good to know. :) I'll probably pick up the kit this weekend. :)

Thanks so much everyone,
JavaJinx said:
I haven't been on in a long time, but I need help! My betta (Floyd) is currently in a 1.5 gallon tank. My mom has finally decided that I can upgrade! (YAY!)

So... I have a few questions.
1) Is this kit a good choice?
Or should I just buy things seperately?

2) I have a heater already. I believe it's 5-15 gallon. Will this work?

3)I need a siphon right? Can someone give an explanation of how it works? And how often (and how much) to clean?

4) I was thinking about getting Floyd some buddies. I want ghost shrimp and White Cloud Mountain Minnows. How many of each should I get? Or should I consider different fish/creatures?

5) Should I do a Fishless Cycle or a Fish-In cycle?

Chances are I'll come up with more, but for now this is it.
1) That is a very good deal! Get it as soon as you can! 
2) yes but you might want to watch the temp a little. Keep it between 75-80 F
3) a siphon is used to get all the debris and fish waste out of the water. Unless you want a 50-70 dollar siphon go with this one: http://www.amazon.com/Aqueon-Siphon-Aquarium-Cleaner-10-Inch/dp/B004RK405A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1391823031&sr=8-1&keywords=aquarium+siphon
Basically you stick it in the gravel and squeeze the pump. The water will flow into a bucket witch you then empty. If you use live plants you need to just siphon out water from the tank. Any fish waste should be sucked up. I prefer using sand because it is easier to clean. (some may get sucked up) add new dechlorinated water after each water change. 
4) ghost shrimp will most likely be eaten. Amano shrimp may work. About 3-5 amano shrimp and 5 white clouds OR 5 ottocinclus cats OR 3 male platy. The key word there is male and OR.
5) FISHLESS!!!! it will be cruel to put fish into a new aquarium with all the ammonia spikes. After about 4 weeks of the fishless cycle add your fish, NOT your betta. If they do ok after a week add the shrimp. Then add your betta last at 6 weeks so the other fish have a chance to establish territiories and be familiar to your aquarium. 
I hope i helped! Any more questions? Just ask! Good luck as well!
Malex530 said:
I haven't been on in a long time, but I need help! My betta (Floyd) is currently in a 1.5 gallon tank. My mom has finally decided that I can upgrade! (YAY!)
So... I have a few questions.
1) Is this kit a good choice?http://mobile.walmart.com/#ip/Aquaculture-Home-Starter-Kit-10-Aquarium-1kt-Fish-Aquatic-Pets/10312734
Or should I just buy things seperately?
2) I have a heater already. I believe it's 5-15 gallon. Will this work?
3)I need a siphon right? Can someone give an explanation of how it works? And how often (and how much) to clean?
4) I was thinking about getting Floyd some buddies. I want ghost shrimp and White Cloud Mountain Minnows. How many of each should I get? Or should I consider different fish/creatures?
5) Should I do a Fishless Cycle or a Fish-In cycle?
Chances are I'll come up with more, but for now this is it.
1) That is a very good deal! Get it as soon as you can! 
2) yes but you might want to watch the temp a little. Keep it between 75-80 F
3) a siphon is used to get all the debris and fish waste out of the water. Unless you want a 50-70 dollar siphon go with this one: http://www.amazon.com/Aqueon-Siphon-Aquarium-Cleaner-10-Inch/dp/B004RK405A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1391823031&sr=8-1&keywords=aquarium+siphon
Basically you stick it in the gravel and squeeze the pump. The water will flow into a bucket witch you then empty. If you use live plants you need to just siphon out water from the tank. Any fish waste should be sucked up. I prefer using sand because it is easier to clean. (some may get sucked up) add new dechlorinated water after each water change. 
4) ghost shrimp will most likely be eaten. Amano shrimp may work. About 3-5 amano shrimp and 5 white clouds OR 5 ottocinclus cats OR 3 male platy. The key word there is male and OR.
5) FISHLESS!!!! it will be cruel to put fish into a new aquarium with all the ammonia spikes. After about 4 weeks of the fishless cycle add your fish, NOT your betta. If they do ok after a week add the shrimp. Then add your betta last at 6 weeks so the other fish have a chance to establish territiories and be familiar to your aquarium. 
I hope i helped! Any more questions? Just ask! Good luck as well!
Very Helpful! Thank You!

I have a new plan...
I'm thinking Floyd and 6-7 pygmy cories. That means skipping the shrimp and no minnows. Completely different than my original plan.
Really, thanks SOuch everyone!,

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