10 Gallon Stocking


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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I'm posting this thread for somebody that I know.  
She has a 10 gallon tank with a female betta, and 7 Glowlight tetras.  Recently her betta's fins have been ripped, and we think the tetras are nipping the betta's fins.  She's going to be giving me her tetras, I'm going to up the school to at least 10, and she's going to get something else.  
The two stocking plans she's wanted are:
6 female bettas
and some snails
1 female betta
3 otos
3 endler's
5 malaysian trumpet snails
1 black mystery snail
I told her that she should be cautious with the bettas, and would need a lot of hiding places, so she decided that she wants something else.  Recently her tank has been cloudy (it's green!), and everything is covered in algae,  so she wants otos.  I know that otos do better in groups of 6+, but would 3 be enough?  Or does she really need to choose something else?  Recommendations for other fish are welcome! She does want a small community though, so preferable not just one kind.
Thanks! :)
for a 10 gallon? i'd say one betta, maybe 2... and a small school of neon tetras.
I wouldn't do too much more in a 10, its raelly not that big of a tank.
She has one female betta, and glowlight tetras, but the tetras are nippy, so she's getting rid of them, and doesn't want new tetras.  I read the options for a 10 gallon in the beginner's resource section, and the only other thing she thought she might want is a dwarf gourami, but she really want a community if possible 
She's thinking about 6 spotted rasboras, and 4 pygmy cories with her female betta, do you think that'll be okay?
And she changed her mind again, 6 pygmy cories, and 3 endler's.  What would you do in a 10 gallon with a female betta (no tetras)?

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