plant advice

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  1. F

    Disposing Invasive Species Water

    Hi! Im taking care of my first planted tank (20 gallons)and I have a few fast-growing species that are invasive in my area. I was wondering how to dispose of water when i do water changes? Boiling isnt really an option because of the volume of water and because this tank is in my office, not my...
  2. ella777

    Plant questions!

    Hi, I have a very sad looking 200l Fluval Roma which I'd love to make a jungle of plants. I've got a 70cm piece of "talava" (?) wood which is soaking in a tub at the moment. It should take a few weeks to let it sink I think. As for plants, I'm not experienced with plants at all really. I don't...
  3. un-erasable pencil

    Weird pest in my tank

    Hi, I posting to ask if anyone knows what these little insect looking things are in my fish tank. There are a lot crawling on my anubias and some on the glass. I also noticed my anubias has been kind of rotting which wasn't an issue before and I've have it for about 4 months. Not sure if that's...
  4. D

    Newbie wanting to plant

    Hi , i’m rather new to fish keeping and i’m going to downsize my tank from 125l fluval to an 80L super fish tank but in my current tank (125) i haven’t got many live plants but in my new 80L i’m getting i want to have more live plants. So my question is how do i go about this? What soil do i...
  5. rebe

    Possible nutrient deficiency

    Does this look like old dying leaves to you or could this be nutrient deficiency? This is on my amazon sword plant, which is a heavy root feeder to my understanding. Should I give them another Seachem root tab? They have/had the same root tab since the end of august (2023), maybe they've just...
  6. A

    Any guidance welcome

    Hi all, i’m new here! i have just bought a 30l bio orb flow. my local fish store guys are really nice and seem to know there stuff but i feel like i’ve been sent down the garden path when it comes to planting my tank. i was led to believe i could just use weighted plants in the ceramic...
  7. P

    Plant Matter Clogging Filter Intake

    Greetings, The fallen off plant matter of my pothos frequently clogs my filter intake by getting stuck on the mesh. I have removed it every time, although I had to fight my way to it, as my male jaguar cichlid is quite ferocious and attacks any intruder. I would like to have a definitive...
  8. ella777

    Floating plants?

    Are there any floaters that don't populate too quickly and are very hardy? My tank is 200l, I would like a small portion of the water surface used. My water is around 7.5 pH, I dont know what the gH or kH is, test strips don't help. The light is on for 8 hours. I don't use fertilisers or co2.
  9. ella777

    Plant advice?

    I'm worried. I've just got a 200l tank and I have no idea what to plant in it. I want plants that dont need co2, easy and shrimp & snail safe. I've got a list of plants I would really love to own Cryptocoryne Wendtii Cryptocoryne Willisii Cryptocoryne Beckettii Java Moss Ceratophyllum Demersum...
  10. V

    What plants will take over a tank?

    It kind of sucks to keep buying stationary plants that don't grow out to make a tank look more planted. I'm new to live plants, but I want more than stacking up on plants like java fern, amazon sword, and anubias. I want plants that you don't have to buy a lot of to make a tank look adequately...
  11. K

    Trying to identify plant/moss on my spider wood

    Does anyone know what type of plant/moss this is growing on my spider wood? Seems to have come directly from the dead piece of wood??? Worried that I may have something toxic to the fish. Thanks!
  12. V

    New to live plants

    I have a variety of live plants in a 20 gallon. I usually keep the light on for seven hours a day. I have livebearers. I don't know much about plants and that's probably why they keep dying off. I have sand as the substrate. I've heard about all these products but I'm not sure what I would need...
  13. M

    Algae in new tank & plant issue

    I’m in the process of cycling my new tank and I now have algae growing. Am I doing something wrong? How can I stop it? Also I’m unsure if this plant is dying and what I should do. My other plants are thriving
  14. B

    Adding new plants to my co2 established tank

    Hi guys, I have a 36 gallon tank and was wondering what do you guys normally do/how is it suppose to be done when adding a new plant that wasn’t living in a co2 tank and transferring it into one that I dose daily with liquid co2. If that even makes sense? It’s a Madagascar lace Unfortunately...
  15. T

    Good plants for my 40 breeder?

    Hey guys! Going to set up a planted tank sometime in the future. I think I have some decent hardscape but I'm looking for someone to point me in the right direction on what plants I should use or what light I should use. Ideally I'd like to grow medium, maybe high light level plants. I'm going...
  16. reptilenotfish

    Advice on scaping?

    any advice on planting or hardscape? species: - hygrophila polysperma 'tiger' - staurogyne repens - dwarf sagittaria - java fern - anubias nana - pogostemon i have since removed the moss thanks!
  17. B

    A few more plants I don't know

    These are plants that I receved from a friend when I first made my aquarium. He didn't knew wheir name either.
  18. B

    I forgot the name of these plants

    Hey, some time ago I bought a few plants and I forgot what they were exactly. They are all types of rotala but it's a bit hard to realise which one they are since they changed color in my aquarium (probably the light spectrum).
  19. D

    Planted fish tank tips for 60 gallon?

    Hey guys, I’ve recently gotten a 60 gallon fish tank, starting to do a cycle, and for this tank I’ve decided I want to try live plants. big step for me definitely as it is my first ever try. I want to go with the low maintenance ones so I was thinking Java fern, Anubias, anubias petite, moss...
  20. bettafishlover86

    online shopping

    Hi guys, I have been wanting some new plants for my aquarium. The kinds I want they do not sell at my local pet store. WHere is the best place to do online shopping for plants?
  21. CPDtank96

    A question for you planted tank people out there! 🌱

    Hey guys! New to the planted tank scene and looking for some maintenance tips and tricks 🌱 currently I have the following plants in my aquarium: Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B' (background) Hygrophila polysperma (background) Echinodorus grisebachii 'Bleherae' (I think this is the type...
  22. S

    When to introduce fish to aquascape

    Hi there, I’m setting up an aquascape using various low maintenance plants and azalea root (It has been soaking in my bath for the past week). The goal is to add some guppies to the aquarium at some point. I was wondering if you have any advice on how long to leave the plants to establish...
  23. F


    Hello guys, just received these as a gift, but the person didn't tell me what they are? Am I right in saying the big one is an anubias? Not sure what the smaller ones are, unless they're baby plants from the mother. Any info and also any tips on how to keep them and make them flourish would...
  24. N

    Plants decaying?

    Hi everyone, do you know what would make my plants die like this? It only happens with these kinds of leaves thanks!
  25. BSVKilbey

    Digging out my old Fluval Chi - Ideas Please :)

    Hi all, Welcome and thanks for reading. Whilst I am not a "newbie" to fish tanks it has been about 3 years since I filled a tank up. Upon clearing out my garage yesterday I found my old Fluval Chi 19L 5 Gallon Fishtank. I didn't bother cleaning it because the intention was to throw it away...
  26. F

    Sword plant nutrient deficiency?

    Hello, I’ve set up a new 80l tank, and I wanted a second opinion on my problem. Tank has been going for about 1 month. I added the plants about 3 weeks ago, and I am aware plants need to adjust to new water parameters. However, it seems my sword plant is doing worse than all the other plants...
  27. R

    Aquarium plants turning black

    Hello, My aquarium plants are turning black not sure whats going on. It’s been a while since I’ve been trying to fix it. I have a canister filter. I have low Ph around 6, but ammonia, nitrite and nitrite seem to be fine. Any help is appreciated
  28. Rdoran88

    Java fern small brown offshoots. New plants or something more serious?

    Hi everyone. I have a Java fern plant in my aquarium and recently I noticed a few of the leaves have started to sprout these small root like sprouts. (Photos for clearer reference) upon researching online I have assumed the plant was producing new off shoots but these don't look quite like the...
  29. R

    My new tanks and stocking plan! Any ideas?

    Hey I’m new here! Just found this website while doing some research. Anyway I currently own three fish tanks, a 75g with a red Texas, jack dempsey and rainbow shark, a 20 gallon with just plants, and a new 10g that’s been cycling for a while now! Anyway I’ve been trying to figure out what type...
  30. N


    Hi, I was just wondering if you have to plant Anacharis or if I can leave it floating. I don’t have enough substrate at the bottom to plant it right now, it’ll just float up. Should I get more substrate and plant it? Thanks!
  31. 3

    Little holes in my plant

    Hey their just wanting to know what would be causing this bought from a private seller a couple days ago have been dosing liquid co2 as well as flourish. The plant is a Hygrophila.
  32. Circus

    Redoing 3 Gallon

    So, I have decided to completely redo my currently empty 3 gallon for a new betta. I already have a new light on it ($7 clip on desk lamp from target). I will be putting in black sand and some kind of centerpiece rock (if petstore has single pieces of dragonstone I will get that) and a dense...