
  1. C

    What is this fish?

    I recently bought this fish from Petsmart. The employee said it was a platy and ended up picking a random sku because she didn't know which breed it was. I was thinking it was a very large female guppy but she's a lit bigger than guppies I've raised. (2in. in length) The black spot seems to be...
  2. outofwater

    Just a big boi patrolling the tank

    This chunky boi grew pretty quick and it's now the glass boss
  3. A

    Losing shrimp! Help a kid out here 😩

    Hello hello one and all, I'm calling in for some much needed assistance. I'm relatively new to the hobby, but have been keeping aquariums (poorly) on and off since I was young. But these days, I'm trying to take things a bit more seriously. I've had my little 4 gallon aquarium at the foot of my...
  4. Tacocat

    What is this orange stuff?

    I was looking at the tank when I saw this behind the driftwood. I picked it up and asked my brother what it was- he said it was bloodworm, but I'm doubtful. Is this some sort of mold or mold growing on food?
  5. brokenoob!

    Are these ADF eggs in my tank?

    Hello there! I just got two ADFs (that I believe are both females) and added them to a newly cycled tank 2 days ago. Today I noticed some strange egg-like objects in the gravel today. The only thing is that I know that ADFs usually lay eggs hundreds at a time, and I've only found about 10 of...
  6. brokenoob!

    Platinum/Creamsicle Lyretail Molly with tiny black spots?

    Hello everyone! I've had the most amazing Platinum Lyretail Molly named Pearl for just over two months now. She has the biggest personality I've ever seen, if I get within 5 feet of the glass she comes up to me sounds crazy but literally almost wags her tail in excitement like a dog...
  7. W

    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    I have had my male Betta for 14 months and recently moved him from a 1G to a 5G Aqueon MiniBow.  Eventually I'd prefer a 10G or larger but for now want to make the 5G as comfortable as possible.  In the meantime I was hoping to use the 1G as a plant tank and before doing proper research added 10...
  8. LyraGuppi

    Will It Ever Go Away?!

    Okay, here we go.   It all started with my Platy, about two months ago. She was very lethargic and bloated, some slight pineconing. I Q tanked her for quite some time, until she finally pooed and was swimming a tad bit more. I put her back into my community tank and she was fine for a while...
  9. gizzmo3017

    Can Someone Help Me Identify What Kind Of Cichlid I Have?

    I purchased this cichlid a couple months ago along with some other cichlids (which all died except a very small fire mouth). Its a really neat fish that swims around and explores all the hiding spots I had for my African cichlids. It may have also killed my mollies
  10. R

    Is It Ok For Mystery Snails To Eat Dead Fish?

    So I've had a tank for a while now and we first had buenos arias tetras, lamp eyed tetras, a black mystery snail, an ivory mystery snail, and two golden algae eaters. Two weeks ago, I got a mix of about 10 cardinal and neon tetras from a couple stores along with 3 guppies (one tuxedo). The...
  11. S

    What Fish Is This? - Got Him With A New Tank

    If anyone could help it would be great thanks (: I got him in a small tank all alone. Here's a link of a larger photo if it helps...