molly dalmation pregnant

  1. H

    Is my Molly Pregnant? Or have Dropsy? Newbie here

    I thought my Dalmatian Molly was male but it looks pregnant with a very bloated belly. It has been like this for a couple of weeks. Any advice?
  2. C

    Pregnant Molly dalmatian Fish

    Hello, I have a few questions about pregnant molly dalmatian since this is my first time handling one. -Is it okay for her to be in a five-gallon tank by herself? -Does she need a heater for the tank? if so what temperature? -Do I need to purchase a sponge filter? -Thank you
  3. S

    Possible pregnant molly?

    I recently got 3 fish at the beginning of March and I’m not sure if my one molly fish is pregnant but I have been reading up and it sounds like she is. I’ve attached two pictures of her and I’d appreciate it if someone could let me know a definite answer and if she is expecting, about how long...
  4. E

    Update on pregnant molly

    Hey, I asked a few weeks ago whether anyone thought my molly was pregnant. Now that I can compare it to another one of my mollies (in the pic) I believe she is getting closer to her due date. Anyone know by looking at the pic roughly how long? Thanks
  5. E

    Pregnant Dalmatian molly

    Hi, I posted about 2 weeks ago asking whether anyone thought my molly was pregnant and I am pretty sure now that she is. I can see a little black dot inside her belly is this her fry? Is anyone able to tell me roughly how many weeks off she is due? Or any other thoughts? Thanks (sorry the photo...
  6. E

    Not sure if my molly is pregnant

    Hi, just wondering if anyone could tell from this photo, if my molly is pregnant. I bought her a few weeks ago, however she has got a bit fatter since then...could be over feeding her. Let me know your thoughts, thanks
  7. LexiLex888

    Molly Had Babies???

    My sisters came into town for a week and a half recently and I asked them to pick out some fish to add to my 55 gallon tropical tank! One of them picked out an African dwarf frog and the other picked out three lyretail mollies. I quarantined them for a week and a half and released them in my...
  8. Brad G

    Fish with ich/ick

    I have a 20 gallon tank the has quite a few plants. I put API Super ick cure in 5 days ago. I’m starting my 2nd round of treatment because my fish still have the white spots 1 of them are actually getting worse . I took out the carbon filter but left in the ammonia filter. Should I take that off...
  9. Selina Dionne Slotter

    Molly pregnant?

    I’m not 100% sure but I think my molly is pregnant? I’m not sure because she doesnt look huge but she does look bigger than the other fish did at the pet store (which is why I got her, I thought she was cute but now I’m nervous lol) and her belly is kind of squared off I think? I’ve had her...
  10. nmacog

    Is My Dalmation Molly Female And Pregnant ?

    Hi All,   We are new to keeping fish. Had our 1st tank 3 weeks with only one fish at present, been in there 2 weeks, a Dalmation Balloon Molly.    When we were sold it, we were told it was male. However we are suspecting it is female and pregnant ! Could someone please shed some light on this ...