guppy at bottom of tank

  1. T

    Females guppies issues help

    hi, i just started with a small tank. i bought 5 guppies, 2 males and 3 females. i have one them, the biggest female, very often alone, either at the bery bottom or top at the surface alone. move very few, does not look like eating much. breathing seems normal… i dont know what’s wrong 😥 i...
  2. ella777

    Guppies staying at the bottom?

    All five of my guppies are staying at the bottom of the tank, they havent lost any colour. I've only noticed them doing this today, I have a feeling I've over stocked the tank. I am trying to set up the 200l as quickly as possible but things are taking a while to arrive. Is there a way to...
  3. F

    Guppy not responding to swim bladder medicine

    Hi there, hope someone can help. One of our guppies has swim bladder - showing the classic signs. We have followed the good advice we could find - - we stopped feeding him - put him in quarantine tank away from others (this is an established tank) - gave swim bladder treatment (have given day...
  4. biofish

    Sick Guppy: nipped fins and jumped out

    Hello! I’ve got a sick guppy and from observations I don’t think he’ll make it. The day before yesterday, I dropped an algae wafer into my tank for the first time for my algae eaters because my algae is FINALLY getting under control, and all of other, non algae eater fish, swarmed it and...
  5. M

    Female guppy sick

    I have a female guppy who had babys recently and she's been laying down a lot at the bottom of the aquarium recently. Today I noticed that her back is curved and she's swimming kinda vertically. Recently a gwarf gourami died from dropsy and 2 other guppys died as well starting to be laying down...
  6. N

    Pregnant guppy

    Ok, IM a new fish owner and I bought a pregnant guppy and I was just worried for her so I separated all the males and females . But I still want to know when she’s due. She doesn’t eat as much any more and I tried separate her from the other fish in her own tank and she just stayed toward the...
  7. C

    Split tail, resulting in dying guppy

    We have 1 male and 3 female guppies in a newly set up tank, one of the females gave birth to 5 fry a week ago and two days ago we notice her tail had split and it only got larger, she started sitting on the tank floor and hiding away then today when we came home she had died :( the other three...
  8. A

    Guppy at the Bottom of Tank

    Hello, I have a female blue Fancy Guppy that has been staying at the bottom of the right side of the tank for most of the day. I understand that this is not normal behavior for a Guppy. She isn’t breathing heavily or have a bulged stomach. She does swim up to eat (like normal). And every now and...