
  1. H

    Possible mouth rot/ columnaris on platy

    Hi everyone! I noticed this morning that one of my platys in my 75g community tank has started to breathe way more than the other platys are, its mouth is almost always open. I observed the platy and noticed that it looked like it had a very small cotton-like film inside its mouth lining, which...
  2. S

    Need Help Identifying Fish Disease

    I hope this message finds you well. I'm currently facing some challenges with my aquarium, and I was hoping to get some advice. After a recent 5-day treatment with Jungle Fungus Clear and Kanaplex for suspected columnaris in my tank, I've noticed that one of my Neon Tetras is exhibiting...
  3. S

    Columnaris and Ich?

    Hey, I have a 55 gallon tank that has been infected with Ich yesterday morning. We upped the temperature and started Ich X treatments with salt along with higher temp/ However, last night one of our bosemani rainbowfish passed away suddenly. Is this Columnaris? We think it could be because it...
  4. primsloaches16

    HELP PLEASE!!!!! Angelfish declining, ick or columnaris???

    Hey yall. I've had two angelfish for about 4 months now, and recently one of them has been declining in health and acting strangely. She is the smaller of the two (they are a mated pair). She used to be super active and stay close to the male, but lately she has been very lethargic and wont eat...
  5. Linkandnavi

    White (slightly stringy) lips on two Boesemani Rainbows

    Hi all, Two of my Boesemani Rainbows have developed white growths on their upper lips. It appears slightly stringy/cottony. I`m just getting a quarantine tank up to temperature and will transfer them over. That said, I`ve been looking extensively online and from the descriptions it could...
  6. R

    Very sick, Very Loved Betta. Treating for Columnaris. Please help me heal him. It's been weeks. Very Detailed.

    I copied this from another forum for help, here is everything I posted: What is the water volume of the tank? His home: 55gal community tank. Quarantine: 10gal, by himself. How long has the tank been running? His home: 4 months. Quarantine: Setup the day I noticed he was sick, he's been...
  7. S

    Help with diagnosing disease on Firemouth?

    I have a community tank and two of my fire mouths have these white spots on them, but they don't look like the ich that I have experienced before? I'm starting to get worried that it's either Hole in the Head or Columnaris. I've attached pictures of two of the fire mouths. It has spread to my...
  8. I

    White patch on paradise fish mouth.

    I woke up this morning and saw a white fuzzy patch around my paradise fish's mouth. I assume this is probably columnaris. What is the best way to treat this/which medications should I buy? And should I treat the tank or remove him and treat just him? I'm worried he'll get more stressed out if I...
  9. C

    Very Sick Betta Fish

    or starters my name is Courtney and I'm new to this. I have a friend who's betta fish is sick with what we believe is columnaris. Here's a little about her tank: She's had it for about a year, it's a 5g tank with heater and filter. I know she does change the filter cartridge every month and she...
  10. F

    I think my betta is dying?

    Ok I made a post a while back about my betta fish Falkor and him losing parts of his fins, after a while ive pretty much ruled out everything but him being a biter so I just left it and he was fine. Ever since then, everything started to go downhill. I've had three shrimp across like 5 months...
  11. T

    Betta Disease Identification Help???

    Hey guys, I'm super lost in all the forums and info on the internet, I can't seem to find anything that helps me. Can't post on the "Betta" forum either it seems so... I have a female beta and she's been looking and doing great until now. I had her in an unfiltered 2 gallon tank previously with...
  12. C

    Help please! Mystery illness. Columnaris? Long thread like lent on fin.

    Tank size: 10 gallon cube - filled halfway - planted tank/plants above and below water line. More description in text below pH: 6/6.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 kH: 0 gH: 0 tank temp: 78 degrees Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior)...
  13. mrstwalker

    Treating Columnaris In Betta? Help!

    Hi Everyone,    So, I have a quick question: My Betta (Veil tale) has some ragged looking fins. His Pectoral & ventral fins seem fine, but the anal & caudal fins just seem a little tattered on the edges. I really doubt it is fin rot, and I honestly dont think it is columnaris either. I really...
  14. RCA

    Sterilising Aquarium Equipment

    Been doing some research as I want to ensure I sterilise my equipment correctly to ensure each tank is independent. I have in the past used white vinegar, aquarium salt, methalyne blue, sterilising tabs, or hydrogen peroxide. If I was to use bleach I would use the thin cheap bleach vs the...
  15. RCA

    Male Panda Cichlid ~ Columnaris Or What?

    Tank size: 180L pH: *can confirm later if required ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: * kH: * gH: * tank temp: 78 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Previously looked like a small hole in dorsal fin. Lying on bottom of tank, lethargic, heavy...
  16. NomNomTiger

    Hardy Fish? And Some Advice For Fish Health !

    What's a really hardy but beautiful fish to have? my angelfish just get sick too often. My nitrated and p.h are low, I have a new canister filter, a bio sponge, a huge peice of driftwood, and I feed them a mix of brine shrimp, blood worms, and flakes. I have bottom eaters that clean up the...
  17. VickyChaiTea

    What Is This Deadly Infection?

    Alright, so, I have been seeing this infection around for a few years... and only in bettas. I first noticed it at work on a few bettas after their bowls had gone uncleaned for too long. It looked like grey patches (not raised patches, like the scales and skin had turned grey) on their fins and...