Vote Now! - September 2022 Pet of the Month Contest (no fish)

Vote Now for September 2022 Pet of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA

We have 12 very cute pets entered into the Spetember 2022 Pet of the Month Contest. View all the pets and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for POTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific pet in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.

You are not allowed to update your entry picture once voting has started.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. You are not allowed to have friends or family join TFF for the main purpose of voting for you. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

You are allowed to change your vote if you wish.

Poll will close on September 28th at 5:50 PM ET (US).
Thread will periodically be cleaned up for readability.
We at thank you for your participation​
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You guys don't know how long it took for me to take these pics. But, here it goes!


Details: I got Oreo (A baby back then) from a breeder about 4 hours away from me 2 years ago. Canaries usually go for about 80$ but the breeder was very kind and gave him to me for 15$. Oreo had about 10 babies last year. This year we gave him another female to mate with but the female was unable to have babies. So, Oreo and his new wife raised 2 foster babies from a different pair. Other then that, Oreo is fed on eggfood, fresh lettuce, apples, and canary seed mix. I was able to train Oreo before he had a family to step up on my finger, and fly back into his cage when he got out. He is still not as scared of me as the other birds but definitely isn't as trained as before. He is a very friendly bird. :)
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Here is my beloved Sadie!!!


She loves everyone, especially if you pet her and give her food. She will be 16 years old this year, and it's going strong! We believe she has lost her hearing (or just doing a good job of ignoring us), and cataracts are forming in her eyes. She still has a strong sense of smell and appetite, so is still always excited about food.
She posed very patiently for this photo, so I rewarded her with dinner. She is one of the cutest dogs you could ever meet!
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This is my boy Sunny. he is a bearded dragon and to my knowledge is 6 years old, I rescued him from an overworked mother who sadly neglected him. She also rescued him from a teenager who went off to college. that makes me the third owner!! he never received the right care until he was rescued, so he is quite small. he loves to eat superworms and dandelions, greens are a struggle right now but I'm working on it. every night he sleeps in the cozy blanket that he was raised with. He was also classified as a girl until I got him 😂 sooo.. that happened. he does like to dress up all fancy in his serape, he also is Australian but believes he is Hispanic!😅
and I think he really does love people, he is very quick to slowly (😅) run to me when I see him.
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So here is one of my six African dwarf frogs. There in my 20 gallon heavenly planted tank which I recently aquascaped. I've had them for around a year and half maybe a bit longer. They eat anything the fish eat and a few guppy fry here and there. With there favourite being live blood worms. There around 2 inches and I got them around half an inch. I can try and get more pictures if need be but there currently at the back of the tank. They don't sit still for a minute. It was between my frogs or my giant fan shrimp which I have not seen for a few days thanks to an Otto accidently finding his home and making him relocation to the back of the tank where I can't see him.
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This is River, our 7 year old Australian Shepherd. She hates having her picture taken unless she doesn't realize it is being done, as you can tell from the picture with the note. River loves to go hiking and play in the stream. She also loves to be around the sheep and goats. She is a very sweet dog who loves everyone she meets! She is a very special part of our family!
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This is my boy Juno. I got him early on this year. He is pretty timid (normal for guinea pigs) unless you're feeding him. Then he will climb on you. While bribing with food, he also sometimes lets you pet him until he pancakes. Somedays he's quiet, other times he squeaks like there's no tomorrow. He is currently trying to eat my shoe.
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Here is Samwise Gamgee. He was surrendered to me when his past owners could no longer care for him. He was really sick, but had made a full recovery. He loves sitting with me and watching TV or video games- he will try to eat the dragons on the Dragonvale game on my tablet. 🤣🤣 Just a really sweet lizard!
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This is my new kitten named Holly. She and her sister are 4 months old. She does some funny and downright weird things. She chases her tail, jumps off of chairs (for fun??), and kneads on her sisters belly. The sisters are inseperable. Holly and Ash are kept inside, as local coyotes pose a danger to any animals outside, even during the day. Holly and Ash are quickly wiggling their way into my family's hearts, and I hope you like her as much as we do :).
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This is my cat Sassy. She is a 10 year old female calico. She lives up to her name! We got her from a family who got a dog, and then Sassy was hiding in one room not eating, and then the boy in that family said that he wanted the dog more, so they got rid of Sassy. That was 8 or so years ago.

She didn't go on my lap for years after that, but a year ago, she started to choose me over my dad! (frankly my dad doesn't really like her because my parents are both allergic to Sassy)
She is a bit evil, but I love her to pieces! I am an only child, and she is the closest I have to a sister! (Yes, I know she's a cat, I
swear I am too)

She only eats one type of food.

We made her a three-level cat tree, and she also has a whole chair to herself, as well as another bed, and the whole of our garden, but she still comes and sits on our sofas! If you leave your seat in winter for more than 15 seconds, she will be on it very quickly.

She also has a tendency to sleep on electronic devices (phones, TV remotes, cameras, laptops)
For some strange reason.

I hope you love Sassy as much as I do!
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This is my cat Topi. Topi means “mouse” in Italian.

He will be a year old at the end of the month. He is a very funny cat, so much energy, he likes to play “tag” in a way, where you chase him and he runs around back and forth. The cat equivalent of “zoomies” in dogs

He always wants attention in the middle of the night, so he’ll come and meow. If you ignore his meowing he will chew on your toes until you cuddle him :rofl:

He’s super sweet and cuddly, and you can just hold him like you would a baby, he’ll lay on his back and just sleep for ages
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