Your House Pics

You lot make me sick
*looks around disgustingly at her crappy 2 bed place-and angrily looking at partner for not earning enough*

Jeez you don't want to see our first house. Anyway its demolished now. Embedded amongst old wharehouses in Bradford, I remember once we had an infestation of rats, so as Lud says all good things come to those who wait. Please dont put your hubbie down, he loves you and thats worth more than money and any bricks and mortar.

Thank you Amunet for you kind words on my little blob on the planet
As for your pad, the overall space, WOW its massive, I'll come over and get stuck into your garden, (such potential) I love getting my hands dirty in the great outdoors....Koi Pond maybe :lol:
Truly I love those American homes with their colonial frontal façades they seem to have so much character. There are ever so many windows in your house its amazing, never a dull corner.
Nice house, I love the spaciousness and the back yard, well....let me at it. :lol:


Agree with BigC there Amunet... very nice place and oh! so spaceous... I also like the coulour schemes very pacifying colours.....

and as for the Koi pond... please somebody let BigC build a pond in your garden... he's got this pond design inside of him burning to get out.... and he has not got permission (yet) to do it at his own pad :lol:
Thank you Amunet for you kind words on my little blob on the planet
As for your pad, the overall space, WOW its massive, I'll come over and get stuck into your garden, (such potential) I love getting my hands dirty in the great outdoors....Koi Pond maybe :lol:
Truly I love those American homes with their colonial frontal façades they seem to have so much character. There are ever so many windows in your house its amazing, never a dull corner.
Nice house, I love the spaciousness and the back yard, well....let me at it. :lol:


Couldn't you come over to Liverpool and do mine BigC LOL
Couldn't you come over to Liverpool and do mine BigC LOL
There a misconception that if you leave something down in Liverpool.. it gets nicked
Could you not get someone to nick you garden :lol:

Only Joking....Only Joking.
Why not split the tasks up into sections and tackle one part at a time each year.
Boy that's a tall order D.
We would need to clear one section at a time with a mini digger. Get the trees out and rotovate the land get a few retaining walls and pathways in. Look at lawn area and planting schemes. Not impossible but would take time and money.
There is bags of potential there and it could be turned into a spectacular show.
I would ring Charlie Dimmock....Ground Force
You never know
I wish I had your plot to be honest its very spacious and a lot can be done with that....amazing
Couldn't you come over to Liverpool and do mine BigC LOL
I would ring Charlie Dimmock....Ground Force
You never know
I wish I had your plot to be honest its very spacious and a lot can be done with that....amazing

Now there's an idea, maybe if they do a new series I could get someone to nominate me lol!!!

That is the plan to do it slowly, also money is tight at the moment as I am rebuilding my business back up after a nightmare yer last year. Maybe by the time I retire I might have it sorted!!
The only thing I dislike about American house is that they are all modern builds, I am a snob and live in a house which dates back to the 1730's and I love the mature garden and the floors not being straight so anything round rolls off the desk. Epitomised by the tank where the water line on the left is 2cm higher then the water level on the right, In the basement there are medical journals and charts left by a prrevious owner which date back to 18th century. I just love the feel of an old house even though it causes you to be near death from dust inhalation. Strangely though my dream house would be a simple shack on the beach.
The only thing I dislike about American house is that they are all modern builds, I am a snob and live in a house which dates back to the 1730's and I love the mature garden and the floors not being straight so anything round rolls off the desk. Epitomised by the tank where the water line on the left is 2cm higher then the water level on the right, In the basement there are medical journals and charts left by a prrevious owner which date back to 18th century. I just love the feel of an old house even though it causes you to be near death from dust inhalation. Strangely though my dream house would be a simple shack on the beach.

Uhm... Post number.... I'd just hate to peruse 13 pages of posts and find you did not show us what you're talking about.... Photos please!
The only thing I dislike about American house is that they are all modern builds, I am a snob and live in a house which dates back to the 1730's and I love the mature garden and the floors not being straight so anything round rolls off the desk. Epitomised by the tank where the water line on the left is 2cm higher then the water level on the right, In the basement there are medical journals and charts left by a prrevious owner which date back to 18th century. I just love the feel of an old house even though it causes you to be near death from dust inhalation. Strangely though my dream house would be a simple shack on the beach.

Heh, I thought I was the same way. We lived in a dumpy old old old house before moving in to this one. The other house just ruined my image of older homes.
I like newer ones better b/c they're more energy efficient/insulated better, etc.
I do like the look of older homes though. They have a uniqueness & character that new ones don't usually have. I'll just admire them from afar though heh.

BigC, you could totally come and fix our backyard up :p lol Just remember to leave some space for the dogs! lol
You should've seen our backyard before... almost all of it was dirt, little pine trees growing everywhere.. just looked baaaad.
Would love tips though on how we could make it look good. Should probably request that in the gardening section.. and I will once I get some more photos to show the whole area :D
Just be carefull there Amunet.... He's gonna put a Koi pond in there somewhere......
:shout: Yeah Did I mention Koi Pond, quite a large deep Koi pond. Oh! and a Japanese Tea-House, Stone ornaments, Acers you getting the
:shout: Yeah Did I mention Koi Pond, quite a large deep Koi pond. Oh! and a Japanese Tea-House, Stone ornaments, Acers you getting the

You're obsessed!!!... Looking forward to see this (in your garden) once you've managed to convince the forces in control! :lol:
Cant see that happening Lud.
We haven't got any yet (thank god) but I think she's worried about the grand kids falling in when they come along.
I will take some tomoz of the entire house but these are the ones I uploaded before:




Nice Salty....
Love the tranquil al fresco dining area.

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