Why Do People Hate Goldfish


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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So..Why do a lot of people on this forum hate goldfish? I mean have such negative opinions about them...

I noticed that whenever I am on a fish forum, people just think goldfish are crap machines, feeder fish and thats it... Why is that?

I mean goldfish produce just as much waste per bodyweight than any other fish...And you see Oscars and plecos are really messy fish and so are a lot of others but they don't get that negative tone when speaking of them...
And yeah, they grow big, but so do a lot of fish that are sold as pets to people who don't really have the means to keep them...

And as for being common... guppies, mollies, neons, angelfish...are all very common but they are not treated like #### (well most of the time anyway)

So people, what is it about goldfish that bothers you so much? and don't tell me because they are inbred - I am not just talking about fancys but also about commons and comets. And why are kois great and goldfish suck?

OK, just to explain. No, I don't have a goldfish and no I am not trying to be provocative (well maybe just a tiny bit :blush:), I just am really curious about that...

Hm, yes and i do like goldies (maybe you have guessed by now ).
I love my goldfish they have the biggest tank and look great. I think its because they are extreemely common as seen as a starter fish
I had fancy goldfish and the best fish I have ever had.
Mine had lovely personalitys.
Hoping to keep them once again once the boring tropical fish have lived out there days,.lol
i dont hate my goldfish iluv dem had dem 4 5 years nw and ma tropical fish 1 and a half years
i dont hate mine :) but i assume its because as someone says they are common starter fish, and peopl like to be seen to be moving on
I am a goldfish fanatic, and the only thing stopping me from having more is not having enough money or space to house them. :p Mine have wonderful personalities, are beautiful to look at and nothing like the sad creatures you see in overcrowded tanks at the LFS. The amount of work they require is amazing - they should definitely be regarded up there with oscars and similar fish in regards to space needed and messiness factor.
I like Goldfish too. Some of the nicest fish in my parent's pond started out as feeders...
Oh, great :)
So I guess no all of you hate goldfish, that is encouraging :)

I just got that feeling when I was going thru all the posts ...
I personally dont like goldfish because they need too much space. They also get sick very easily, especially the fancy ones. Maybe I am just getting goldfish with bad genes, but until I get one that doesnt get sick easier than cardinals, I will continue to dislike them.

And as for being common... guppies, mollies, neons, angelfish...are all very common but they are not treated like #### (well most of the time anyway)

You dont get 20 of those fish for a dollar. Ive noticed that the more a fish costs, the better they get treated with the exception of silver arowanas. Guppies, mollies, and neons are all considered to be feeders to me. When I used to have P's, They would get guppies and neons gutloaded with spirulina about once a month for a treat.
just find goldfish boring
Have you ever kept them as I didn't find them boring like some of the tropical fish I keep.
The only tropical fish I have kept that are not boring are panda corys.
Questions more like why do people use goldfishes for their own purposes? Like decor, to make your house look nice..

Or just to have a pet. An 'easy' pet.

I've been through many ppl that do this.

I use to have some goldfish. I use to like them, but they produce alot of wastes and need of tank maintenance. :(
OK, where I live goldfish are not as cheap at all (commons and commets are 3 euros, fancys up to 30 in the shop)...so Ok, maybe it is their price than - material world and all...

I also had goldfish and am now considering going back to them after having some tropicals...I don't find them boring. But it is true - everyone knows goldfish, even people that don't know anything about fish at all (tho they do confuse them with kois)
Personally I really like goldfish. But I won't keep them as I know I do not have the space for a big enough tank. My 30 gallon takes up a lot of space in my room.

They are in my opinion, right up there on the waste production scale as Oscars and Plecs, and need just as much tank maintenance and decent filtration.

It isn't Goldfish I dislike, it's stores who sell them to people who clearly haven't done an ounce of research, and who sell those people tiny wee tanks and bowls to keep them in. KNOWING that the fish will be dead within approximately 3-7 years ( usually less , usually a few weeks in fact ) and they will soon be back in the shop getting an identical one so little Timmy won't know the difference. I also dislike people who keep their fish in tiny tanks despite knowing and being specifically told that it won't fit in there and will die if kept in such a tiny space. The combination of these two really makes my blood boil.

I really don't get why people simply can't just read a few books, look at a few websites and comprehend the simple fact that goldfish are LARGE growing fish that eat a lot and crap a lot. Failing that just look at goldfish in ponds. There's a reason they are that big.....it is known as nature! YES! This obvious fact seems to pass many people by completely. I have actually had to explain to some people that the ones in tanks in shops, are exactly the same sort of fish. They all grow large, all need the same sort of strong filtration, all need the same frequent water changes ect. They are simply bred into different bodyshapes. I am not an intelligent woman by any stretch of the imagination but some people's density really is astounding.

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