Whta Can Go Peacefully Together?


Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV - USA
Hi! I currently have a 60 gallon planted tank with 2 paired up angels, a pink kissing gourami, 2 rams, a synodontis euptrus, and a bunch of small fish (neon tetras, various tetras, etc). all the little fish are going into a different tank, so i will be left with the angels, rams, synodontis (and may be i will keep the neons, they are pretty! i know they will be angel food later though) and may be the kisser. I wanted to add some fish that get a bit bigger, to add more colors and stuff to the tank, and i was looking at putting in african cichlids. I was wondering if anyone can tell me any africans that are peaceful and wont tear up plants. I dont mind a little aggression, but i know if something happens to my angels, i will be extremely upset. I was looking for fish that are easy to find in LFS, like electric yelows, jewel cichlids, peacocks, zebras, snow white socolofis, etc. So if anyone has any ideas, i would greatly appreciate it. I want some color added to the tank. Also what would i have to do with my tank to make it acceptable for them BEFORE i put them in? My pH is about 7-7.5 and all my water is perfectly fine, i have two large cannister filters in the tank also. Please help if you have any ideas, and any links or pictures to show them would be appreciated too. thanks!

p.s. - the angels are about 4 inches across, 5-6 inches tall, and the cichlids i would be getting would all be around 1-2 inches, may be 3 if i cant find them that size (i work at an lfs)
Mixing New World cichlids with African cichlids is a good way to create mayham in the tank. Mixing African Riverine fish (Jewles) with African rift lake species accomplishes the same thing. Either remove the angels, rams, and other fish and go with Africans, or head back to the New World section to find more tankmates. A group of Apistogramma would probably fit in well.
If nothing else, they require completely different water conditions.

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