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Fish Herder
Feb 4, 2013
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Hi designers,
I often find that the search does not return what I would expect, I will make notes in here for future reference as I usually find another way to locate something hence cannot recall exact details at present.
However, there is one feature that would assist is to search PM's, as today I was on the hunt for something which turned out to have a peculiar title not related to the subject, hence I could not find the info., I was initially looking for.  So, would it be possible to have a Search option to search our own PM's please?
Thanks in advance for your consideration ;)
Not sure how they'd achieve that as PM's are private aren't they? Wouldn't searching PMs would bring up privacy issues? I don't know - just thinking out loud - I know that is dangerous but I can't help it! lol
I also do not have good luck with this search function. Yet, I can go to google and type in the same info and most of the time it will pull up a thread or two here. May not always be at the top but still. I'm not sure if the search function here relies on the Tags (much like the Internet) but I get no where fast with it. Must be doing something wrong! lol
Mamashack said:
Not sure how they'd achieve that as PM's are private aren't they? Wouldn't searching PMs would bring up privacy issues? I don't know - just thinking out loud - I know that is dangerous but I can't help it! lol
I think RCA was wanting an option to search his/her own PMs, rather than the whole database.
the_lock_man said:
Not sure how they'd achieve that as PM's are private aren't they? Wouldn't searching PMs would bring up privacy issues? I don't know - just thinking out loud - I know that is dangerous but I can't help it! lol
I think RCA was wanting an option to search his/her own PMs, rather than the whole database.
That's the way I read it too. Can it be done do you know TLM?
Lunar Jetman said:

Not sure how they'd achieve that as PM's are private aren't they? Wouldn't searching PMs would bring up privacy issues? I don't know - just thinking out loud - I know that is dangerous but I can't help it! lol
I think RCA was wanting an option to search his/her own PMs, rather than the whole database.
That's the way I read it too. Can it be done do you know TLM?
I haven't the foggiest. That'll be one for Chad.
Suppose the easiest solution would be to maintain your inbox :p don't store so many messages, have a complete declutter!
Members can help the seach system by entering relavent keywords when they start a thread. They are right under the title and listed as "Topic Tags".
Good to know Tcamos.  Wasn't sure how it worked on this forum as to if it was the Moderators that did that.  Will try to remember to Tag from now on. 
I believe RCA was talking about searching our own Personal Messages as it can be done now in topics, forums etc.
Ah...I missed that help for PM's it heavily uses the title so it's good to title it with words you will want to search later but that's as good as it gets for PM search.
the_lock_man said:
Not sure how they'd achieve that as PM's are private aren't they? Wouldn't searching PMs would bring up privacy issues? I don't know - just thinking out loud - I know that is dangerous but I can't help it! lol
I think RCA was wanting an option to search his/her own PMs, rather than the whole database.
Mamashack said:
I believe RCA was talking about searching our own Personal Messages as it can be done now in topics, forums etc.
Yup, that is correct both of you, but alas tcamos says NO 

Thing is I try and use useful titles but when someone PM's me and uses an old subject matter but different subject then finding it again can be awkward.  Once found I usually start a new PM with the info., they sent me so that it does not become too confusing.
I will have a declutter though ;)
I will be back with more info, when I next search and get frustrated...
I'm a tad anal, I delete my PM's when I'm done with the conversation so I only have PM's in my inbox that are active.
I will be back with more info, when I next search and get frustrated...
So here I am with a summary of frustration...
Computer says:
No results found for 'well what would you have done?'
Advanced Search
All Words
Forum - Bettas
Removed the ?
Put in quotes
"well what would you have done"
Forum - Betta Splendens
Searched "well what would you have done"
Member Search = RCA
Searched new boy
In title and content
Member Search = RCA
Searched new boy
In content
Searched resist
In content
Forum Betta Splendens
Computer says:
Your search for the term resist returned 527 results
This is what I was looking for, and I now note I have no "?" on it, and referred to him as "latest boy" but when searching any words (which I seem to recall was the setting most of the time)  I would have expected it to find it from the terms I was using!?
Well What Would You Have Done...
Mind you in fairness, I did just go and search  "latest boy" in the basic search =
Your search for the term latest boy returned 752 results
Of course, silly me did not use any of my Tag terms ;)  That said the search IMO still should have located it from some of the attempts I made.
Have now saved it in my profile for future ease of location.
A question for you tcamos: why does the search on "my Content" restrict the findings (Search limited from 03-May 03)?  If it could be expanded it would assist in finding all content a member had posted?

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