Say Hi To Yobbo.

Some plecs can grow to 2 feet (tho I don't think this one is that type).
Algee wont stand a chance then LOL. 2 foot huh?

EDIT bellow.
The little catfish are fine, The snails are fine, the shrimp a fine,
This all happened in the last hour or so.
He killed one of the Platys, and was attacking the others, I had to put 1 down because of the damage he caused, The rest of the Platys went to the big tank, This is 1 agro Betta.
Nice new plakat betta.  He is a pretty boy. 
So...with this one what are your tank specs(size) and other fish in with him? 
Nice new plakat betta.  He is a pretty boy.
So...with this one what are your tank specs(size) and other fish in with him?
L 60 cm H 38 cm W 30 cm =15 gallons
He has 2 snails, 5 shrimp, 2 small cat fish ( some sort of plec according to Lyra )
He had a few Platys in with him until he killed 1 hurt 1 so bad I had to put it down and was attacking a third 1, I was almost tempted to get the camera out and record the whole thing, However I decided to save the poor Platys.
He allows the hand that feeds him into his tank.
Very cool.   And it is good that he already seems to be comfortable with your hand in the tank.
With the catfish (definitely a species of pleco), it is really really important for you to find out what kind they are.  No matter what kind they are though your tank is only really big enough for one even for the small species like rubberlip plecos.
And it is good that he already seems to be comfortable with your hand in the tank.
Yes This way when I need to do anything in the tank he is not afraid of my hand being there. Mind you this can also be a bit of a pain as the fish can get in the way of things you want to move, You must always keep 1 eye on the fish the other on the job to avoid squishing him. Also should I need to take him out of the tank for what ever reason it makes it easier when he comes to you. Who has played the  Lets "try" catch the fish in the tank with a little green net without hurting him game?
I have started the he only gets fed or treats if he comes when called and takes food from my hand, What I do is wash my hand in hot water with out any soaps and such, Then I will place a pellet on my finger and hold it just above the water he has to swim up and take it no jumping involved, Because he is an active fish I feed him twice a day he gets the equivalent of 7 pellets  in volume a day, This includes treats, I mix it up a bit, I may give him some brine shrimp and 2 pellets or some fruit fly or a fruit fly maggot ( small) He loves them alive, All this comes from the hand that feeds him.
No matter what kind they are though your tank is only really big enough for one even for the small species like rubberlip plecos.
Is that because of food requirements? I do add algae wafers. Filtration is not an issue as I have Aqua Aquarium Filter External Canister Fish Tank Water Sponge Pond 800LPH and  Aquarium Biochemical Sponge Filter for Fish Tank 2835
If the plec's start growing too big they will be rehoused. What else can I do now I got em.
In this pic one is hanging on the glass

No matter what kind they are though your tank is only really big enough for one even for the small species like rubberlip plecos.
Is that because of food requirements? I do add algae wafers. Filtration is not an issue as I have Aqua Aquarium Filter External Canister Fish Tank Water Sponge Pond 800LPH and  Aquarium Biochemical Sponge Filter for Fish Tank 2835
If the plec's start growing too big they will be rehoused. What else can I do now I got em.
In this pic one is hanging on the glass


Because of filtration and tank size requirements not so much feeding.  Most pleco species are territorial and are extremely messy which is why your tank is only big enough for 1.  Either way, they are small enough right now that you don't really need to worry too much at this point.  Just some thought for the future.
Love the new scape BTW! Those silks are gorgeous.
Yobbo has decided to stop pacing back n forth at the front of the tank, He now spends most of his day exploring the plants,


I mostly only see him at feed time.
They found the algae wafers, Yobbo is investigating
I can totally sympathise with the agro betta. My betta, Ludger, had been in his tank a grand total of 3 hours before he started purging it of snails. Thankfully they're just pest snails 

Like the aquasape and Yobbo by the way 
Because I added the 3d sides and back to my tank I had to re do all the plumbing for the filter intake and return, plus I had to be sure of the way I put the 3d panels in was fine. So while I was at it I changed a few things.
My first lilly pad, Yobbo seems to like it too.
Don't the rice paddies have lily pads as cover?
I'd love to get some of those :D

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