Roseline Shark

I've got six babies in my 240l, just ~5cm long. Got a great deal for them too, £13-50 per pair, as they were commercially bred (which is great considering their staus in the wild, bordering on extinct). Very graceful normally, lovely to see them schooling in the Eheim 2078 current, but can't half shift when they need to!

where abouts in england are u??? the best i can get them is £25 per pair.

This is from Aquajardin in Fairoak, outskirts of Southampton. They are £15 per pair and then a 10% discount is applied if you buy a £5 membership card ;)

lol nevermind, im in north east. doubt itg would be worth the petty money.
I've got six babies in my 240l, just ~5cm long. Got a great deal for them too, £13-50 per pair, as they were commercially bred (which is great considering their staus in the wild, bordering on extinct). Very graceful normally, lovely to see them schooling in the Eheim 2078 current, but can't half shift when they need to!

where abouts in england are u??? the best i can get them is £25 per pair.

This is from Aquajardin in Fairoak, outskirts of Southampton. They are £15 per pair and then a 10% discount is applied if you buy a £5 membership card

lol nevermind, im in north east. doubt itg would be worth the petty money.

That would depend upon how big a school you were looking to buy!
I have 10 in a 1600 litre tank, they will grow to 6" eventually, my largest are this big. I would never consider keeping them in anything less than 4ft long and 250 litres.
I understand they are all but extinct in the wild now but are fairly easy to breed and the prices have been lowering fairly steadily. They are about $20 for 2" examples here in Nor Cal.

They arent nearly extinct, infact I am sure when Heiko was there last he found them in many more locations than previously thought. I believe they have been put on the IUCN red list this year becuase of fears of overploitation. Breeding is not easy, naturally at least, but they are commercially bred using hormones to induce spawning.
We have a pair, we did not know what they were. We bought them when our local fish store had a brief power outage and they gave us a good deal on the price--we didn't realize how expensive they normally are! THey live in our 55 gallon with a school of tiger barbs, a couple of loaches, and we used to have a rainbow shark also but he died :(

Anyway, we have been looking for more, but haven't found them because we couldn't remember what they were called. The fish store doesn't have any more right now :( We are still looking around though. I would like to build up a small school of them, 2 aren't enough.
Have 11 of these fish in my 450 litre tank. They're beautiful fish and definitely the best fish I have atm.

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