Post You Snake Head's

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No mate the sp assam's tank is looking great, once the duckweed take's hold will be sweet, :good: like how there blending in with your gravel :lol:

The Gachua is looking handsome and that's a dark pic so can't wait to see once he settled in :drool:

something col wrote for the gachua...
"mixing: mixes quite well with other fish as long as its basic needs are catered for , avoid overly aggresive fish and fish small enough to be seen as food , fish that have been tried and tested include angles, rainbow fish and some of the more docile cichlids , please bare in mind that if you keep this fish with other the chance of breeding will be greatly reduced as the gachua sometimes do not see the other tank inhabitants as a threat and any fry are swiftly eaten by other tank mates , avoid useing plecos that are easly bred because if they breed the channa will eat the babies and there bristles can get stuck in the channas mouth .
also try and reserch where your fish has come from ,the gachua from china and afganistan would not do well in full tropical tempretures and fish should be chosen to suit
Thanks m8, just measured him, hes 8" exactly. I gave Col a list of the inhabitants and he said it should be fine. Considering the inhabitants in here it is very placid actually, had a bit of trouble with 1 Parrot but hes going back this week. Doesnt look like the Gachua is feeding tho stubborn little git, just put a prawn dinner in for them an he has turned his nose up at them even tho I put a few right in his den. may need a few days to settle properly
Yes he will be fine, as said it's early day's yet, took my obscura a bit longer than other's, but he and they all love chopped prawn's....
hehe channa addiction is addictive eh :lol: :cool:
haha, most definately, I am gonna look into breeding quite a few different specie snow hopefully once I get the room. start my rare species programme off.
haha, yeah, I will be sticking to the dwarf's for now, even started contemplating emptying my 180gal now an trying to get a few different species in there, not ideal for breeding though. Would hurt to get rid of my Gold saum too, think he's all I'd miss though.
haha, just caught them doin this, been like this for about half hour now.


Haha yeah, i was gonna light a few candles round the room.
Im in Liverpool, not sure i could afford them though I'm afraid, I cracked the original tank for these so had to fork out another £120 on their new tank. The missuss is already not pleased with me :shifty:
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