Planted Betta Sorority (Pic Heavy)

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Those crypts are looking great.
Changed the internal HOB back to an external HOB. Much better water circulation throughout the tank and far less mulm accumulating on the plant leafs between water changes.

See the shrimp on the driftwood? Looks like there are 3 shrimp that have escaped Otabek's eye. I've seen one with a saddle so perhaps more shrimp on the way.

I keep pulling little crypts and at this point I have no room in other tanks to plant them in. At least another dozen runners are starting to pop up and I'm debating on just letting them grow. What would happen I cut half of the large crypts down to stubs? Would they completely reset and go back to being low growing like they were when I had the sorority in here? Would they stop sending up runners? Food for thought...
After observing the tank really close I counted a total of 5 shrimp, 3 females (one berried) and 2 more than likely males. Pretty surprised honestly, I thought for sure Otabek would eat them.

I'm working on getting Otabek back in shape for breeding. I haven't decided on who to pair him with this time, either the double tail or the marbled white HM. I admit I love double tails but I also love light colored marbles. I think his nerite snail friend is about to kick the bucket. I've had it for quite a while and it hasn't moved in 4 days. Still doesn't stink but somethings not right.
Otabek 3-19-18.JPG
Found a single and very thin black kuhli in a tank with angels at the pet store I recently started working at. I've visited this store for months and never noticed this loach, it's the same place I bought my other black loaches so this guy probably went unseen for at least several months (since the time I bought my trio). I scooped him up, put him in a specimen container till closing time and then took him home. He hid most of that day but now he's swimming around and eating with the other two. Now If I could just fine 3 more of these guys I'd have a proper school again.

I also netted out 6 juvenile red cherries. There's only adult browns in here so apparently there's a few recessive gene carriers. Slowly building up a red cherry colony.
What would happen I cut half of the large crypts down to stubs? Would they completely reset and go back to being low growing like they were when I had the sorority in here?

I decided to give it a try after getting the go-ahead comfermation that the crypts should start growing smaller. Pictures taken the same day, before and after.

Trimmed down.JPG

Otabek doesn't seem to mind but the loaches spazzed out a little afterwards, which is normal when I do water changes. Also found out I had many more shrimp in here than I first thought. Also found 5 reds which I moved in order to get a pure red colony going.

Might do some rescaped next water change. I've got a spare piece of wood I'd like to use, plus the cave things are a little offensive to thine eye, even though the loaches appreciate them.
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Went on a shopping spree, spend a good 180ish $$ on fish things, including 3 black loaches to finish off my school for Otabek's tank :D They've been in there for about 2 weeks and they're doing great.

Completely forgot to mention this, but a while back Otabek jumped out of the tank! This was a few days after his son jumped out too! I was feeding Otabek when it happened, he must of spooked and just shot out of the water and onto the floor. He was fine but then roughly 3ish weeks ago I saw that the right side of his face was puffy. The scales were sticking up a bit and it was red. Did a water change and thankfully he healed up just fine.

His son was less fine, he was sticky when I found him and parts of his fins ended up dying off. They've regrown sense then and now his tank is covered everywhere. He's starting to get the bigger body of a full fledged adult male too.
This tank needs a bit of a make over. It's on the to-do list.
I think it looks good
Sorry Nick, I changed things around anyways. I just needed to find a good place for this hunk of wood. I took it out of the BN fry tank and accidentally brought 2 fry with it, both seem to be doing fine though. Don't mind the water spots.
Otabek make over 8-4-18.JPG

Trimming the crypts seems to be working, the few I trimmed are growing shorter. I might trim the one on the far left too, I prefer the more compact crypts but the tall one in the back is definitely staying. Otabek really likes that area.

The loaches seemed a bit bummed about losing their ceramic cave but they still cuddle together in the other ceramic pieces.
I love your tanks! You inspired me to try a community tank as soon as I have the extra cash to set a large tank up. I created an account because of this post lol

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