My new 20g L tank!


Fish Crazy
Sep 26, 2020
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Hello all! For Christmas I got a 20g L tank. I was wondering if you guys would help me with more plant suggestions. Right now I have 1 Amazon Sword, a bunch of small java ferns, and 2 Anubias but it’s still looking a bit empty (keep in mind that i’m 12 and i can’t afford $20 plants).

Remember a couple months ago when some of you said my 10 gallon was too small? Anyway, I told my parents and thanks to you guys, now I have a bigger tank.

In the tank i’m putting my 3 platies, 1 molly, and my two nerite snails. I was also wondering if I could fit a bristlenose pleco. They don’t grow very big and they are so ugly they’re cute and now i’m in love with them.

Thank you!!

I have attached a picture of the tank. I’m a terrible aquascaper but what do you think? I’m proud of it since I found all the hard scaping stuff outside (don’t worry it’s been boiled).


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What a lovely looking tank. Find some stem plants they are really cheap, things like Cabomba, Hygrophila and ludwigia they will grow up the back and fill in the gaps.
Greetings! Beautiful tank, you'll have lots of fun with it.

It looks like you have buried the Java ferns in the sand. They should not go in the substrate as they like to be attached to hardscape like anubias. You can superglue (get the aquarium safe kind) or tie them to the hardscape with cotton thread. In addition to the above suggestions you could get hornwort, a very fast grower and a nitrate and ammonia hog.

Also, is the heater close to the surface? If so, you need to move it to the center of the tank towards the bottom. It will prevent damage caused by the water level exposing it when you clean the tank, and will distribute the heat more evenly.
Greetings! Beautiful tank, you'll have lots of fun with it.

It looks like you have buried the Java ferns in the sand. They should not go in the substrate as they like to be attached to hardscape like anubias. You can superglue (get the aquarium safe kind) or tie them to the hardscape with cotton thread. In addition to the above suggestions you could get hornwort, a very fast grower and a nitrate and ammonia hog.

Also, is the heater close to the surface? If so, you need to move it to the center of the tank towards the bottom. It will prevent damage caused by the water level exposing it when you clean the tank, and will distribute the heat more evenly
I looked up hornwort. I love the texture I’ll definetly have to get me some of that. Yes, the heater was close to the surface. I just moved it down. Where do you think I could get aquarium safe superglue for the java fern?

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