My Fishless Cycle.

excellent, seems to hang around for ages then when it goes it goes quickly!
yea but did a nearly full water change the other day so maybe that has helped alot, hopefully my kH kit should arrive today and I can test that aswell.
If I get 3 honey gourami's to start off would that be anough to keep the bacteria which i have produced?
i doubt they'll keep all of it alive however it's fine to just add a few fish if that's all from your stocking list can go in early, then build up slowly.

whats your final plans for stocking the tank?
was going to get 3 honey gouramis, 2x female 1xmale

4 pygmy cories/catfish - But cant find them anywere

and maybe 2 otto catfish at a later date.
depends what you consider to be expensive really?! I've found tri-mar quite reasonable, but I'm always prepared to spend a bit of money to get what I want and know it's good quality stock. Can always buy fish cheaper at pets at home or wherever but i'd rather get them from a shop that I know takes care of them so I'm happy to pay that little bit extra.
think on there it would cost me £18 for 4 pygmy catfish, which is way too much, there is a good fish shop near me, I might ask them if they could get some.
fairy snuff, most places will order fish in for you. :good:
got my KH test solution now, should I test tap water or tank water, how do i do it lol no colour chart?
both, read the instructions on the test kit!! :p

normally it say's you keep adding drops and the amount of drops you add before it changes colour gives you your reading. not sure exactly with the API kit (thats what you got right?) but it's usually along those lines.
ok so am confused now, it says put 5m of water in the test tube, add 1 drop of kh and cap and invert 7 times, keep adding a drops, the test is complete when the test tube is shaken turns from blue to yellow????? blue????

the solution is orange and the test tube water just keeps gettin more orange?????
how many drops have you added so far? could be that you've just not gone far enough....

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