Lince For Tigrinus


Fish Gatherer
Jan 15, 2006
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just wondering what people thought

i have been offered to swap a 12inch lince cat for my 14inch tigrinus cat

i know the lince are super rare hear in the uk
I take it you mean the lince for the tig?

The only problem i can see is the activity of the lince, these cats just dont stop moving, ever. The constant movement of a large catfish could spook your rays and arowana's a bit too much and considering their value i would be hesitant to risk upsetting the tank. There is also the issue of tank size, i know your tank is a good 7 foot long and 32" wide but my brutally honest opinion would be that it just isnt enough room for a lince once its over 18" long, the fish would be constantly crashing into the sides which would be an annoyance to both the fish and the owner.
i gave up with the lince idear and sold the tigrinus and got 2 new RTG instead :nod:
so there is now 11 arowana in there :hyper:

needed more aros they were fighting to much they are so packed in now their is no room to fight

i will just sell 1 off at a time as they grow

mark went their and reserved a RTG

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