Jack Dempsey


Sep 27, 2008
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Alexandria, LA
I have a male Jack Dempsey who is approximately 6-9 months old. I've had him since he was 2 inches and I've been keeping him in a 10 gallon tank with a whisper i20. I do 30-40% water changes twice a week. I know that he is quickly growing out of this tank and I currently have a 30 gallon tank cycling for him to move into. I feed him hikari cichlid staple once a day, hikari cichlid gold once a day, and frozen blood worms as a treat 1-2 times a week. He has a young pictus catfish as a tank mate, they have been in the same tank since my Jack was tiny. I keep the temperature at 78-80F. The tank stats are: ammonia-0 nitrate-0 nitrite-0.

So here goes my issue:
I've noticed within the past week or so some tiny black specks on his side and on his gill cover. When I get close to the tank, he always thinks it's dinner time and he does his "feed me" dance, so it's hard to get a good look at it. He's not acting any different other than some occasional (maybe once a day) flicking on his cave. I know that flicking is a sign of parasites, but I don't know what this could be. I've treated him with some parasite clear, but it's still there. What could it be? And how do I get rid of it?

I don't have a camera, so I can't show pictures :/
Can you post your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
When you say specks do they look like tiny black spots.
Havent mentioned in your post but do you keep any snails in the tank.

Does his gills look pale with excess mucas or red and inflamed.
Does his body look like it producing excess mucas.
If you have a power filter running on his current tank (the 10g) you can simply move the filter and fish into the new tank and it will be cycled. Just make sure the water in the new tank has been allowed to stand for a couple of days and has a similar temperature & PH to his current tank.

Jack Dempseys get black spots/ markings on them as part of their natural colouration. If you haven't introduced any new fish in the last few months it is unlikely to be a parasite. A picture is really needed to ID the problem but if the fish is feeding fine and not scratching too much, I wouldn't get too worried. And don't put any medication in the tank unless you know what you are treating. Quite often the medication can cause irritation to the fish and some fish, (catfish, loaches, eels) can die if exposed to too many or too much medication.
Wilder: I did post my water stats. They are all 0 and I don't have a ph test. I get my water for water changes from the super market. I get spring water and treat the water with Aqua Plus. There are no snails in the tank. No inflammation or excess mucus. He doesn't look like he's breathing hard, either.

And now that I think about it, he is spending a little more time in his cave. It just seems like he's being a little shyer.

Colin: I'm sure it's not part of his markings. The black spots look almost like tiny pieces of dirt, and on the scale around the spots it looks almost like a little border or crater. The spots are in a different place today. They have moved a centimeter or two. The black spots are grouped together.
Sorry missed waters stats hadn't been up long.
How often is he flicking.
No excess mucas on him.
Is it possible to load a pic up.
I don't even know anyone with a camera I could borrow :/ sorry. He flicks maybe once a day. Not even every day. Could they be some sort of mite?

I just remembered that when I did a 100% water change on my Jewel's tank a week or so ago, I put divider in my Jack's tank and let the Jewel stay in there for the day. This might be where it came from. But I've never seen these spots on the Jewel.
If it was a parasite would of expected the fish to be flicking more than once aday.
Black patches can be ammonia burns, cancer,myxobacteriosis.
I would just keep a close eye on him for now.

Look under black spot and black patches.
I looked at that site and it's not black patches. It fits the description for black spot, but I don't have snails and all the fish I have were captive bred.

The spots are similar to this, but they are not on his fins, they are only on his side and gill cover:
Not convinced its black spot myself with having no snails in the tank.
You say he has some black spots on his gill cover does he try to rub his gills on things in the tank.
Same as colin said it could just be markings.
These spots were not there three weeks ago. They just appeared about the same time I first saw him flick on something. I keep the water very clean and I am very strict with my water changes, I'm sure it's not ammonia burn.
Have you tryed posting in the right section of the forum for your fish to see what they think it might be.
Sorry you have already posted over there.
You say your nitrate 0 do you have alot of live plants in the tank.
When do say crater do you mean like and indented area.
It's hard to see if it's actually indented or if it's just discoloured... I will scoop him in a net to get a good look at it, then I will describe it better.
Ok do that then but don't stress him to much.

The belly dosn't look sunden in does it.

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