Is My Fish Pregnant?


Mostly New Member
Jan 31, 2016
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My fish gave birth to a bunch of fry about three weeks ago... but I noticed just now that its tummy looks a little swollen. Sorry for the bad picture, but does it LOOK pregnant?
I'm not sure if this is allowed or not, but it won't let me upload a file, so I created a tweet with a picture, if you can please look at it: 

I forgot to mention that this fish is a silvertail Molly
She probably is pregnant again; female livebearers are pregnant pretty much all the time, and they can store 'packets' of sperm so can continue getting pregnant even if there's no male around.
It is a bit early for her to be that large, although livebearer pregnancies can be shorter or longer depending on temperature. How big is your tank, how long has it been set up and have you tested the water and/or done a water change recently? Are the fish's scales sticking out at all?
Sorry for all the questions!
fluttermoth said:
She probably is pregnant again; female livebearers are pregnant pretty much all the time, and they can store 'packets' of sperm so can continue getting pregnant even if there's no male around.
It is a bit early for her to be that large, although livebearer pregnancies can be shorter or longer depending on temperature. How big is your tank, how long has it been set up and have you tested the water and/or done a water change recently? Are the fish's scales sticking out at all?
Sorry for all the questions!
Actually, my cremesicle molly was the one that was pregnant with the batch of fry I had mentioned... weird. My tank is 20g (about 75L) and it's ben set up for a couple months now, I have tested the water and everything is good, and I do water changes every week (about 40%) when I use my gravel vacuum. My fish's scales are not sticking out.

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