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Fish Crazy
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Hey there everyone, I’m extremely new to SW and I am planning on starting up a 10 gallon, FOWLR (hoping to have 2 clowns, and clean up crew). I know everything as far as LR and sand goes, but I have yet the slightest clue on exactly what equipment I would need to run this tank (powerhead, protein skimmer, etc.). I would gladly appreciate if someone could help me on the equipment I would need.

-Thanks for the help! :blush:
Welcome to the forum!

The equipment i would recommend for a 10 gallon is:

-A RELIABLE 50-100 watt heater

-Powerheads for circulation and aeration
The rule of thumb usually is 20-30x times the volume of the water so 200gph-300gph.

-Live rock
your filtration

-live sand
also your filtration

small power compact with a fan (3-5 watts per gallon should do)

testing kits
Nitrate nitrite ammonia PH

A protein skimmer is optional. Most do without a protein skimmer on smaller tanks because small water changes are easy to perform.
:hi: indeed. Bobwumba has hit on some great topics there. If you want some reading a little more in depth, check out the stickies at the top of this section. Lots of helpful info there
hey, im planning the same thing, but i may try some easy corals. do you know how many powerheads you are going to use?
Hey thnx guys for the welcoming! Sorry slamster, I am a big time newbie, :sad: and I have no idea how many powerheads I should have for this 10g tank. So if anyone could please help it would be gladly appreciated! :D
Go n get yourself a good book. I would recommend Natural Reef Aquariums by John Tullock.
You could get away with somthing like 2 Maxijet 600erz doing 299gph (would be even better with rotating flow nozzles on each).

Get the book! :good:
Yeah, somewhere between 200-300gph of flow. I'd do it with 2 makijets or minijets as one pump just makes a whirlpool. Two pupms creates some good turbulence ;)
Can anyone tell me, if I got a protein skimmer for a 10g, how often would I have to do water changes? (Instead of weekly changes).
If you were thinking of starting a 10g FOWLR, I would recommend the 12g nano cube by JBJ. It retails for about $160 (at least at my lf's). For lighting it comes with 72 watts of 50/50 actinic 10,000K PC and it has a built in wet dry filter system, and the whole thing looks very cool. Noob speaking to noob I think its a great starting tank and would work very well for you.
Thnx nanoman. I was either thinking of getting that, the 12g jbj nano cube or a 10 gallon sea clear flat back hexagon. I'm still undecided.
Can anyone tell me, if I got a protein skimmer for a 10g, how often would I have to do water changes? (Instead of weekly changes).

-Can anyone help me pleaseee?... :/
-Also would a SeaClear 10 gallon flat back hexagon be a good tank for a FOWLR?
I don't know what the price difference is and I don't have any salt water experience...yet, but in my research people who do seem to know what they are doing are absolutely crazy for the nano cubes.
The lights and the built in filter are perfect for what you are doing.
Does anyone know any good websites where it shows step by step on how to cycle a nano aquarium?
-Sorry if this is a stupid newb question. :/

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