Has My Tank Got Good Water?

Lol, I agree with tannins. I know the fish love them but I personally don't like the look myself.

The fish I have at the mo are in my signature below.

They are calm and they are small, so I guess technically I can see why you might see them as being suitable. But they really enjoy have lots of space to swim and will suffer in the cramped area that your 30l would give them.

It makes it look like you don't look after ur tank etc... I hope it goes away a bit!!

Wow u have lots of fish :)

Ah right... I will carry on looking :)
Try http://www.aquahobby.com/e_freshwater_trop...uarium_fish.php

You can either use the search box in the top right or simply have a look down the lists of fish and find some basic 'guideline' info about the fish.
AquaHobby isn't the BEST resource out there. But it's a good place to go for a rough guide. Then if it says the fish will be ok in that sized tank, you should look to other sources to confirm it. And then use other sources to find out what they are suitable with.
It also gives you peoples reviews of the fish, which can be very useful aswell.


Also a good place to get some rough guides on the fish you're thinking of.
Thanks for them links I have have much fun looking :)

Here are my suggestions now

Cory Cats (Corydoras)
Cardinal/Neon Tetra
Ghost Shrimp
Snails (one per tank)
White Cloud Minnow
Zebra Danio
Rainbow fish
Dwarf Gourami

As you can tell I like the bright fish :lol:

I was thinking of getting out of them -

1 x cory
1 x snail
2 x danio's or minnow
1 x Rainbow fish or dwarf gourami

Or would that be too much??

I think I am getting it... the general rule with betta's is nothing with big fins so my betta doesnt feel intimitated and attck it and nothing that will eat my bettas fins :good:
Lol, slow but steady...

Corys - *Ahem* I already mentioned them didn't I...I suggest the only species that is suitable for your sized tank and I also suggested how many you should have didn't I..?
1 x Snail - Good plan, though be careful as the betta may want to nip at it...you'd just have to keep an eye on them.
2 x Danios or Minnows - Shoaling fish so 5 or more need to be kept together. They genuinely suffer if not kept in groups. Also they are fast active swimmers and require more room than 30l will give them.
1 x Rainbowfish or Dwarf Gourami - Rainbowfish are too big and need to be kept in shoals. Dwarf gourami....I wouldn't put one in a 30l, I also wouldn't put one with a betta as they occupy the same level in the aquarium so tend to fight over territory. In a 30l it wont be big enough for them to establish two seperate territories...

Exactly which rainbowfish desc said that it would fit comfortably in a 30l???
Same goes for general corys....
I'd like some proof please.
Lol, slow but steady...

Corys - *Ahem* I already mentioned them didn't I...I suggest the only species that is suitable for your sized tank and I also suggested how many you should have didn't I..?
1 x Snail - Good plan, though be careful as the betta may want to nip at it...you'd just have to keep an eye on them.
2 x Danios or Minnows - Shoaling fish so 5 or more need to be kept together. They genuinely suffer if not kept in groups. Also they are fast active swimmers and require more room than 30l will give them.
1 x Rainbowfish or Dwarf Gourami - Rainbowfish are too big and need to be kept in shoals. Dwarf gourami....I wouldn't put one in a 30l, I also wouldn't put one with a betta as they occupy the same level in the aquarium so tend to fight over territory. In a 30l it wont be big enough for them to establish two seperate territories...

Exactly which rainbowfish desc said that it would fit comfortably in a 30l???
Same goes for general corys....
I'd like some proof please.

:( my reserch was pants :(

You told me to get a pgmy cory :)

EEK I wouldn't want Gary (the snail) to get nibbled at!!

I saw a dwarf rainbow fish on one of the sites I looked at.... I can't remember its name... I will look for the site tonight :)

It looks like there are no bright fish I can get *cry*
Err no I didn't say get A cory at all.
I said get 4/5 if you were going to get some.
I also specifically said Pygmy cory....

And do you think I gave you those links for the good of my health? They're useful, before you even posted your 'Here are my suggestions now' list. You should have cross referenced each fish to check tank size + how they should be kept. THEN, posted a revised list.

Look up dwarf rainbowfish on either one or both of those sites
Do the same for corys (other than pygmy)

Your betta may leave the snail completely alone, that was just a worst case scenario thing.
By the way...Gary the snail...As in spongebob? :lol: Very sweet ^_^
Err no I didn't say get A cory at all.
I said get 4/5 if you were going to get some.
I also specifically said Pygmy cory....

And do you think I gave you those links for the good of my health? They're useful, before you even posted your 'Here are my suggestions now' list. You should have cross referenced each fish to check tank size + how they should be kept. THEN, posted a revised list.

Look up dwarf rainbowfish on either one or both of those sites
Do the same for corys (other than pygmy)

Your betta may leave the snail completely alone, that was just a worst case scenario thing.
By the way...Gary the snail...As in spongebob? :lol: Very sweet ^_^

I said you said pygmy... thats the one I looked into :) I didn't realise you said 4/5 of them... thats alot EEK

Spounge Bob rules... if I had a marine tank I would get a starfish and call him Patrick :lol:

Wow they grow very big hehe... one day I could get one (when I have a bigger tank)

I've decided to give up.... there are no bright fish I can have :(
To be fair male Betta's normally are both bright and impressive. Wouldn't you want him to really stand out?

What colour and tail type did you get in the end? Do you have a picture?

And I know you can't get any bright fish, why do you think I didn't suggest them and instead suggested....
1 x Betta
3 x ADF
5/6 x Cherry Shrimp
1 x Apple Snail

Adf are sweet, Cherry Shrimp are bright and the Snails come in a variety of colours...
Purple, Pink, Blue, Green, Ivory, Yellow....
Post a pic of your catfish and someone will id him for you.

Oasis should know better - of course you have lovely soft water - we do here in Manchester and there is no need at all to mess with it for the fish you have. If you have a read up on some of the very good topics on the ph subject then you will see just how pointless messing with it is unless you are specialising. I'd not put any more ph stuff in - just do regular water changes (eg normal weekly ones) and your ph sould stabilise at about 6.5 which is absolutely fine.

This is my Betta :) [URL="http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...2_1462249_n.jpg"]http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...2_1462249_n.jpg[/URL]

This is my frog [URL="http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...4_3575730_n.jpg"]http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...4_3575730_n.jpg[/URL]

and this is my catfish [URL="http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...9_6972709_n.jpg"]http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...9_6972709_n.jpg[/URL]

This is my tank [URL="http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...1_4612083_n.jpg"]http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...1_4612083_n.jpg[/URL]


Here are all my pics :)
Dwarf Rainbows are 2.5" and super fast- need 100l at least (I have several)

4 Pygmy Corys would be fine - they are lovely lively fish.

Of course your other option is to get a bigger tank.....

I'm not able to see any of those photos...Could you try actually inserting them into your post as pictures maybe?

Click the little 'Landscape picture' and it should come up with a box that says 'Please enter url for the image' or something like that. Then put your url in there and it will show the actual picture.

Like this...
Hello... I can't access them at the mo either... I can try and do it after work... or maybe someone would be kind enough to do it :blush:

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