Female Mickey Mouse needs a Male Mickey


Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2005
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I currently have 2 female mickey mouse platies in my 10 gallon tank. I bought them when they were very young so I couldnt tell if they were any males in the tank if that makes sense.
So now that I defentally see that I have 2 females platies I think they need a male... :wub:
My question is what male platy should I get to go with these females?
Thanks :*
You can give them any type of platy and they'll still mate with him but people find platys that are pure-bred variations of platy colors more desirable. Only get them a male though if you are willing and ready to accomodate fry from now onwards to when the females die a natural death, as soon as you have a male with them they will breed for a very long time.
The females don't need a male to be happy, so only put one with them if you have the time to raise the fry and the space for large batchs to be raised in.
Tokis - So are you saying I should get male mickey mouse platy? I dont find them that pretty thats why I was thinking to get a different kind of platy. But are you sure they will breed together if there a different kind? Cause I have mollys and my white lyetail molly has yet to become pregnant by my dalmation molly... :unsure:
But yes I do have room for the fry. Thats why I want a male... to get more fry! :*
I agree with tokis all types of platys will breed with one another, i been trying to breed my platys but they are having none of it, tryed different males with them and they are still not pregnant, maybe to old now there about a year old.
Well my platys are still young, defentaly less than 6 months I would assume. I better get on and get a male before they are to old!
I just love fry :*
I decided to get a orange platy. Hes just orange with a black tiny dot on his tail. Im hoping they will breed so I will have cute orangey colored mickey mouse platys which will look better than the moms :*
At the pet store yesterday they told me that I could get female swordtails and that the male platys would be happy. I haven't heard that before--any comments?
Swordtails and platys can crossbreed with each other, although its quite a rare occurance and many people can have swords and platys together for months and not drop a single fry.
So far my new male platy is not paying any attention to my females! Is this normal?
I wouldn't worry about it. I had a male and female together and only saw them "do the deed" once and the female had a new batch of fry every 28 days.
Mariah said:
So far my new male platy is not paying any attention to my females! Is this normal?
Its probably because the females have been pregnant for at least a week, male livebearers usually stop paying so much attention to the females after their first week of pregnancy.
My male and female guppies are always chasing each other and I have 25 fry in another tank now! The guppies which had the fry, are my own home bred guppies!! My guppies never stop!
I recently added 3 adult female platys to my 2 adult male platys. (I wanted five females but they only had three--that's when they suggested the female swordtails)The newer male is still constantly chasing the older male instead of the females. None of the females look pregnant. The older male chases the females when he can do so without being chased by the younger male. Is the younger male just a bully?

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