Cotton mouth disease help

Nadia Cooper

New Member
Apr 3, 2019
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I’m new to the hobby of fish keeping and have neon tetras, harlequins and an albino corydora. I have noticed that one of my neon tetras have what I think is cotton mouth disease which i have treated but, I have accidentally left the carbon filter in my tank. I treated the tank with interpret anti fungus and finrot and it says on the instructions that it’s a one time dose. Should I take out the carbon filter and redose the fish, or should I just leave it and see what happens??
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Can you post a picture of the fish?
Set the camera's resolution to its lowest setting and take a number of pictures. Check them on your computer and find a couple that clearly show the problem. Remember to turn the resolution back up after otherwise all your pictures will be smaller.

Carbon should always be removed before treating fish because it adsorbs chemicals from the water. You should also increase aeration/ surface turbulence.

You should know what the problem is before treating the fish.

The following link has information on what to do if your fish get sick. it's long and boring but worth knowing. I recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help fall asleep. :)

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