Platinum Rummy’s have been particularly brilliant lately

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
These are so in my TOM tank, and they are looking particularly colorful today… not sure if the camera can capture???
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Hello Magnum. Nice fish! You may be ahead of me on the number of tanks you keep. How many do you have?

I'm at 12 Right now, counting the 4 - 10 gallon holding & quarantine tanks, & the 2 dedicated for Tilapia, before I move them outside for summer... still have a 250 gallon to set up ( requires some house work, before installation, & 2 - 30 gallon longs in my built in set up, where most of the other are, that I'll probably use as breeders, when I get time to fill those... I keep pretty busy, between work ( not retired yet ) & all the farm animals we raise outside... & all these tanks inside...
Hello. Sounds like the lives my wife and I lead. But, we're now retired. So, we have more time for the bird, cats and large fish tanks and the xeriscaped front and back yards. No barn yard animals. We live in a residential area, so that might not work to have a horse or a cow.

Always love the red, but actually with these fish I tend to get drawn to the black and white markings on their tails.

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