Colourful Fancy goldfish tank mates?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2017
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Can anyone recommend colourful tank mates for a medium sized fancy goldfish in a cold water setup?
In all honesty fancy goldfish are better kept in species tanks.

As they're such poor swimmers, they can easily be outcompeted for food and bullied by more normal shaped fish.
Oh ‘eck, I really wanted to put in something like danios or rainbow shiners etc!

Can there be anything that works?
How big is your tank buddy?
20 gallon hypothetically, I’m still thinking of a doable setup atm.

Would love a 10gallon set up but apparently that’s a no go for even 1 goldfish.
Is that US or UK gallons? Tbh, they're both on the small side for goldies, which really need at least 100l (22 UK or 26 US gallons) for each fish, and they are quite social, so two or three is better, which means a tank of at least 120l.
Honestly, there aren't any.

Weather loach do quite well with fancy goldfish, but they must be kept in groups, and get to nearly a foot long, so you'd need at least a four foot tank for them to be an option.

Red shiners are too aggressive to be tank mates for fancies, and danios are too small and active.

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