Choices Choices Choices


New Member
Sep 14, 2008
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Hey everyone

My tank is looking really nice right now, its got everything i want in it except for the littered leaves which i am yet to get, maybe still going to get some floating plants when i know i have the ferts for them

The BIOTOPE still only has the rams in there and they seem to really enjoy it
As i think is ed in a recent post, there colours are outstanding now, every scale a royal blue thanks to feeding them daily tetra pro colour and all the other benefits of the biotope colours that belend well.

But now that im at this lovely position i am not sure where to go as rigards extra fish??
It has been really relaxing up until this point becasue the water changes and maintanence cna be less irregular will such a low bio load.
But tbh thats just lazy and i am definaltey willing to up the effort if i can up the community size in return.
Except im not sure where to go.

Heres my choices in my head.

1. Apistos: This choice is pretty much the risky one becasue i have discussed it in the past and people have adviced that in a 23 gal(i think) more cichlid family fish in there is not a good idea even if there is this ammount of decor, obviously i have to consider about when all that decor ahs to come out at water changes, there might be a mass brall . So i was just re thinking MAYBE one of the most peacful if you can call them that apistos pairs to go with them????

2. Cardinals: Really simple, jsut get a massive(to an extent) shoal of cardinals, they always used to show up nicely with the odd green and against the rams colours as well and they will not give much of a bio load of the vulnerable cycle of my biotope????

3. Choco: I have no idea if this idea is even considerable, its jsut that someone said a long the time that i should get some chcocolate gouramis in there becasue they will love it???

4. Breed: To breed the rams, im not to sure how to this apart form get the temperature right and have a few flat stones for them.



How big is your tank? I wouldn't recommend chocolate gouramis as they ideally need a species tank and very acidic water. Also if you are trying to replicate a south american biotope then the gouramis won't be biotope correct.

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