Byron - October 2021 Tank of the Month Winner (17-30 Gal)


TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have a winner in
October 2021 Tank
of the Month Contest
We had 8 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 17 to 30 gallons, but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate him
Here's the winning tank and its description
Amazon Blackwater 29 gallon/110 liter. Established following my house move in May 2019 with some more recent fish additions. Not a strict biotope because of the plants. Water is not tinted, but otherwise is "blackwater" in terms of parameters, aquascape and fish species. Dark grey play sand, Malaysian Driftwood, oak branches, dried oak leaves. Tank is not as "bright" as photos make it, not a great mobile phone for photos.
GH 0
KH 0
pH below 6 (lowest test capability) probably in the 4-5 range.
Temperature 79F/26C
Water Change weekly, 50% [had to reduce volume due to increased additives by water authority).

Plants, Floating:
Ceratopteris cornuta (Water Sprite)
Salvinia minima

Plants, Lower:
Microsorum pteropus
Taxiphyllum barbieri
Anubias barteri
var. nana

13 Paracheirodon simulans
8 Hyphessobrycon amandae
4 Nannostomus eques [last of a group acquired 7-8 years ago, will add more if I ever find them locally]
7 Corydoras pygmaeus [fry that hatched 3-4 years ago in another tank]
8 Carnegiella strigata, lineage 1 [phylogenetic analysis has revealed two monophyletic lineages within this species, with considerable genetic distance (10-12%) between them, making it probable that there are two distinct species within this complex (Schneider, et al, 2012; Abe, et al, 2013), and I was able to determine these are lineage 1]
Congrats Byron on your well planted 29 gallon blackwater tank. Great pic - well deserved win. You will be awarded a TOTM Winner banner in your profile area and your tank will be added to our TOTM Wall of Fame .

Coming in second place is robmcd with his beautifully planted 30 gallon cube. Good job robmcd.

Coming in third place is kwils01 with their 30 gallon bow front tank. Awesome looking driftwood in your tank. Great job, Kwils01.

Big thanks to all who participated in this month's TOTM contest.

For those who entered but didn't win or for those who didn't enter, keep on improving your tanks and enter an upcoming TOTM contest.

Our Fish of the Month contest is now accepting entries. This month is featuring Betta fish. If you have a Betta, we hope you enter the contest. Click link below to view the entry thread.

Congratulations Byron, beautiful set up. This is not just a celebration of TOTM, but also your returning health. Being able to achieve and maintain such an awesome tank shows how far you have come this year. Well done!!!

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