Sick Or Pregnant Oscar


New Member
May 14, 2024
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St louis
My Oscar is about 5 to 6 years old. I think it's a female. I tried to get the best pictures I could without taking her out of the tank and stressing her. Coincidentally. Her name is Bob Ross. I've only noticed the swelling for maybe 2-3 days but it seems like the swelling is also climbing up the sides of the body a little bit for the last couple of years I've definitely noticed Bob Ross moves all the stuff in their tank like Oscars normally do but tends to keep a circular area very clear. Kind of reminds me of Bass or bluegill spawning the tanks around 80 to 82° And I have a third horsepower sump pump moving the water around with a carbon filter below it they swim in on 120 but have a 55 gallon sump below other than the Jack Dempsey, the pleco and the Oscar, you can see I have about six or juvenile geophagus brazilianis that it help clean up the larger cichlids food pretty well, but they're also aggressive enough to stand there ground unlike other geophagus, I actually noticed one of the 3-4 inch geophages seems to hang around by Oscar a lot and same thing with my Jack Dempsey cichlid. I don't think it's physically possible for them to crossbreed, but could the presence of the males around the Oscar cause breeding behavior? Or is this something I should try to address with a water change, some aquarium, salt, and maybe some api gen cute And keep an eye on them.


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That looks like it's on its way out. Looks like a hernia or prolapse, something like that. Possibly a blockage. What has it's diet been?
It has done well to survive for 6 years in such hot water. Why do you keep them so hot? It just shortens their lifespans and keeps them stressed, which makes health issues more likely.
Eggs normally take longer to make the fish fat. They gradually get fatter over a few weeks to a month. This happened in a few days, which would suggest an internal problem.

Is the fish still eating normally?
What does its poop look like?
If it's eating normally and pooping normal coloured poop (not white poop), then it's digestive tract is ok and it's probably a cyst or abscess, neither of which can be treated easily in fish. Tumours usually grow a lot slower (months or years).

If it's not eating well and does stringy white poop, it's probably an internal bacterial infection that will need antibiotics. However, most times when the fish has an internal bacterial infection and has stopped eating, there's severe internal damage and the fish dies anyway even with medication.
I only really noticed it a couple of days, maybe a week ago, but I have been thinking to myself that my fish has been getting a little healthier sized I just thought that was because of The extra protein I added to their diet. I'm not seeing any change in appetite but I don't see nearly as much stool in the tank as I usually do, which makes me think she might be constipated

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