Angelfish Looks Dead But Still Alive

i have been trying to feed her but it seems that she is blowing the food away. I've put her in a large-ish breeding trap so she is off the floor. Every now and then she moves a bit but doesn't actually swim.
Has the fish darkened in colour.
I think wilder is right

Marble Angel Fish are not the strongest fish. They have a narrow temperature range, from 75 to 82 degrees fahrenheit. They need water with a neutral pH, from 6.8 to 7.2. Marble Angel fish, when in shock or scared, will lay flat on the floor of the tank. This does not mean the end however. Most Marble Angel Fish can recover from this and regain their normal health

I dont think its a marble but i hope this is true

It doesnt seem to be a different colour
Just wondered if a bacteria infection had set in with the shock, as they lay on there side with that and heavy breath, just hope the fish pull through, but not looking good, good luck.
Thats good to hear she is moving now and then....she is trying....but keep an eye on her for a day or two, by then she sould be moving a bit more, Hope all the best for her, :unsure: :thumbs:
I can't start to count how many marble angels I have right now. Angels generally do not do very well below 80F. I keep younger angels, including marbles at a minimum of 84F. Angels can handle quite a bit of heat, I've had them well into the 90's with no adverse effect.

That link has a couple discrepancies, "The Marble Angel is one of the most hearty Angel Fish, making it one of the best choices for someone wanting to experience Angel Fish for the first time." and "Marble Angel Fish are not the strongest fish." In actuality, marble angels are one of the stronger strains. Any strain will be weak if improperly bred. Blacks, especially double darks are one of the weaker ones out there, due to the inbreeding needed to get that color. Marbles have been around for quite some time, they tend to be stronger than most.

My angels must not have read the part about needing a pH from 6.8 to 7.2. They live, spawn, & hatch in 7.7 pH.

I would slowly, over 3 days raise the temp, get it to at least 82F. Avoid bloodworms, they tend to constipate. You don't need this at all right now. Brine shrimp are a good choice, what you are trying to do is get the temperature up to a normal range, which will increase metabolisim. Increase in metabolism means an increase in appetite, which is needed if some infection did set in due to the temperature drop.

First priority should be dealing with the temperature drop, which put the fish into shock. Once that is dealt with, infection, if any, will be easier to deal with.

I don't mean to sound stupid but are you sure it couldn't just be swimbladder?
Shelled peas and frozen daphnia, if the swim bladder has progressed there is no cure, sorry.

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