63g - new build

So, pretty much copied what I had in the 53 gallon
The barbs are back to their skittish ways, I expect it'll be a couple of weeks until they're acclimatised to the new environment.
Would love to get a spray bar fitted, if anyone has done so on an fx6 can they let me know how please. This is the output I have now:
Wow, looks amazing already!! I really really like the new substrate, it looks really good.

Some loaches... I love loaches! And they're tough enough to hold their own. A nice group of a smaller species could really work. I don't know whether something like dwarf chain loaches are large enough to hold their own, maybe? yoyos and similar would get too big, but maybe zebra loaches? Would have to check tank size requirements and water parameters etc.
Wow, looks amazing already!! I really really like the new substrate, it looks really good.

Some loaches... I love loaches! And they're tough enough to hold their own. A nice group of a smaller species could really work. I don't know whether something like dwarf chain loaches are large enough to hold their own, maybe? yoyos and similar would get too big, but maybe zebra loaches? Would have to check tank size requirements and water parameters etc.
Thats the substrate from the 52g :) I'm putting play sand in the 52g with the cories. Never had loaches so yeh, need to do my homework, most need a lot of space it seems. If not loaches then maybe apistos?
Thats the substrate from the 52g :) I'm putting play sand in the 52g with the cories. Never had loaches so yeh, need to do my homework, most need a lot of space it seems. If not loaches then maybe apistos?
It is?? Are you sure?? lol :lol: It looks so different! I coulda sworn the substrate in the other tank was more a gold colour. Or maybe it just looks so different because of the lighting and it's not covered in plants and leaf litter yet :D

Never had apistos, you know me, newbie without much experience, and never had barbs either. I just really really want loaches myself, so I'm biased. Plus the two (maybe yoyos) in my dad's tank, I just know they wouldn't tolerate being messed with. Botia are fast and tough, without necessarily being aggressive themselves exactly. Have seen them chase off another fish, but these two also leave them alone for the most part, you know? They don't usually bother the other fish, but can defend themselves. In a large enough school of their own, six plus, they'd be active and amusing, stick mostly to the bottom, occasionally going higher, no long tempting fins for barbs to nibble, and I think if a barb tried it would get chased off pretty quickly.
Wow this is looking awesome! Really lush plants, have you thought about adding some of the big crypts? Like Crispulata?

I've been having a look at Skunk Loaches recently think they are a really under rated fish Yasuhikotakia Splendida. Cool look nice in here with some Pearl Gourami :)
It is?? Are you sure?? lol :lol: It looks so different! I coulda sworn the substrate in the other tank was more a gold colour. Or maybe it just looks so different because of the lighting and it's not covered in plants and leaf litter yet :D
Yeh a few things factoring in I reckon, its getting a lot of natural light from the window so I think the front of the sand that sits against the glass is being illuminated, and yes, less floating plants going on and yes again, the water isn't stained.
Botia are fast and tough, without necessarily being aggressive themselves exactly. Have seen them chase off another fish
This is exactly what I think I need now. I know people have successfully kept cories with barbs, but it just wasn't working out for me. Perhaps I need more female barbs, and perhaps peppered cories are on the smaller side so became the victim for that.
What are your new tanks dimensions again?
'Cos 120 by 30 could work
120cm long, 40cm wide and 70ish high

Oh, but if you do go for loaches of any kind, your MTS are likely to be decimated.
I'd be happy to take my chances, I wouldn't have thought they'd go burrowing in the sand for them? Perhaps I'm being naive lol Maybe they would if they were quite hungry? Dunno. But I wouldn't let MTS put me off having loaches

Wow this is looking awesome! Really lush plants, have you thought about adding some of the big crypts? Like Crispulata?

I've been having a look at Skunk Loaches recently think they are a really under rated fish Yasuhikotakia Splendida. Cool look nice in here with some Pearl Gourami :)
Thanks Wills, I was admiring the crypts in @Russjw river creek tank the other day. Never really looked into crypts, but yeh, I can picture some coming out from behind the bogwood...
Yeh, I'm looking through the catalogue of loaches now so will make sure I look at that one.
A pearl gourami with barbs and loaches yeh?

Omg will you just design all my tanks please :wub: it's absolutely stunning!!
Thank you :D how cool a job would that be!? I wish!
Yeh a few things factoring in I reckon, its getting a lot of natural light from the window so I think the front of the sand that sits against the glass is being illuminated, and yes, less floating plants going on and yes again, the water isn't stained.

This is exactly what I think I need now. I know people have successfully kept cories with barbs, but it just wasn't working out for me. Perhaps I need more female barbs, and perhaps peppered cories are on the smaller side so became the victim for that.

120cm long, 40cm wide and 70ish high

I'd be happy to take my chances, I wouldn't have thought they'd go burrowing in the sand for them? Perhaps I'm being naive lol Maybe they would if they were quite hungry? Dunno. But I wouldn't let MTS put me off having loaches

Thanks Wills, I was admiring the crypts in @Russjw river creek tank the other day. Never really looked into crypts, but yeh, I can picture some coming out from behind the bogwood...
Yeh, I'm looking through the catalogue of loaches now so will make sure I look at that one.
A pearl gourami with barbs and loaches yeh?

Thank you :D how cool a job would that be!? I wish!
I bet you there are Aquascape consultants out there!
So the placement of the tank by the window, where it gets plenty of daylight, doesn't seem to be an issue, haven't seen any algae at all, so thats all good. Only concern is the temperature. Still only got the 13 (male) Odessa barbs in there and they prefer it cool... going to be ok for the next 6 months but will have to think ahead for when it warms up again next year.

With the Odessa, the lack of females doesn't seem to be a problem, amongst themselves. Its time I added some companions though. I was thinking zebra danios, but the ones in the LFS are young and tiny. Would the Odessa treat them as lunch?
Theres a lot of flow in this tank, probably too much.. but I've always liked watching fish swim against it and that would need to be considered in my choice.
Lot to be said for dithers! The Odessa have been in hiding majority of the time since moving them here, got some giant danios yesterday and that seems to have brought them out! (Danios are still juvenile)
Starting to colour up nicely now :wub: really are stunning fish Odessa's

Are you adding a background to this tank? That will increase their colour even more:)

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