40 Gallon Breeder


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Southern U.S.
My "newest" tank; 40g breeder. It's not so much new as an upgrade. I just did it today so the water is still settling and murky but definitely looking nicer. All my fish from a 29g have been moved into here and so far they seem to like it a lot. 6 Corydoras sterbai, 6 Long Fin Blue Danio, 1 Male Betta, 2 Apple Snails (adult), 4 Apple snails (hatched survivors), lots of little pond snails. I'm going to add a pair of breeding Albino Bristlenose Plecs soon. That's the pair on the bottom (who obviously aren't the most prolific algae cleaners :p ). The top is a temporary piece of plexi-glass until I can get a proper glass hood in 2-3 weeks.





if u just done it today don't you think you need to cycle the tank before adding the fish? or is it fine for just a reeder tnak.
Thanks. The Betta is a Butterfly tail. My new favorite breed. :D I have two of them now. I have another in a 55g where the Bristlenoses are currently. I'm going to try and get better pictures of all my fish soon. I just lucked out on getting that one. The wood just barely fit into the old aquarium whereas here it has room to spare on either side. I accidently broke a small piece off of it moving it but it was one that I'd previous damaged in the past and obviously this wood isn't hurting for the loss. :lol:

Also, this tank is cycled. Everything from my previous 29 gallon, including the filter, was moved into it. Before this move, the tank had been established for approximately 3 years. So other than a larger volume of water and bigger footprint, the set up is the same as it was before. Re-reading my post, I see how it could be lost this was a previous set up.

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