Plant help questions

Just to add, java fern should not have the rhizone buried in the substrate.
Just to add, java fern should not have the rhizone buried in the substrate.
Hi, sorry what do you mean by rhizone? If it’s the plant I think you mean, it’s attached to a bit of wood opposed to buried is that ok?
The rhizome is the thick root-like thing that the leaves grow from. The actual roots are thing things which grow downwards from the rhizome.

We get a lot of members who do not realise that this rhizome should be above the substrate which is why we always check :)
Hi @Byron @PheonixKingZ So I took the advice and got some more plants. 4 moss balls and a bonsai "thing" lol. Something concerning is happening though. The other original plants do seem to be growing now. I think because the PH is around 5.5 the bacteria are not working as they should. I knew they would struggle in such PH. However tested the water yesterday. PH same however Nitrite is at 2 and Nitrate is about 25. I did a 35% water change yesterday but its climbed again today. Brown algae is also forming on the substrate. Getting an Algae eater isnt a possibility just yet because of the lockdown. @seangee @essjay

will keep doing water changes however please could you provide as much advise as possible as detailed as possible about what I need to do. Image below: Is it a case of time for the nitrite converting bacteria to get to work? Timescales?
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Bonsai, as in the little trees?

This could be messing with your ph.

Are all of you fish acting normal?
Bonsai, as in the little trees?

This could be messing with your ph.

Are all of you fish acting normal?
Hi. It said bonsai in the shop, its like a tree but with large leaves. See images of leaves. Its not the PH i have an issue with as mentioned above. ITs that the PH is 5.5 and is a planted tank and the Nitrite level was high. The advice was that I shouldn't need to worry too much about Nitrite in the planted tank and that bacteria wouldnt grow in my PH to create nitrite. The plants should absorb the ammonium instead.

Wondered what the advice would be. Will the nitrifying bacteria eventually bring these levels own. Its evident because of the nitrate that the bacteria is working in this low PH where it shouldnt be.

Thoughts? @Byron @JuiceBox52 @Colin_T
The java fern in post #22 looks sort of dead.

It also looks like the light isn’t in?

The plants should be soaking up all of the Ammonia.

What are your current nitrate and ammonia readings?
I am also worried that your ph is so low.

Some of the naturally occurring causes of a ph drop include excess carbon dioxide, tannins from driftwood and the nitrification stage of biological filtration. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the natural product of respiration, so the more fish you have in your tank the higher your CO2 levels are likely to be.

If you bought the bonsai tree, it could be producing so much tannis, it is effecting your ph.
The java fern in post #22 looks sort of dead.

It also looks like the light isn’t in?

The plants should be soaking up all of the Ammonia.

What are your current nitrate and ammonia readings?
Hi. On the image I just sent you the light was off for its usual timings and only got this plant yesterday so it will take a little time to establish and come back. The shop havent looked after it properly.

The plants should be soaking up the ammonia which is why I wondered why I have nitrite . My water has 0 everything. Did a 30% water change yesterday.... Nitrate was about 25ppm this morning and same yesterday morning Pre-water change. Did another 30% water change today and it brought the levels down. Why would the plants not be soaking everything up? There are only 6 tiger barbs in this tank currently its 55 gallon. IT shouldnt climb that quickly in 24 hours. There is only Ammonium in the tank because Ammonia obviously converts to non-toxic ammonium with PH as low as mine. I have read that nitrite is more toxic at low PH so concerened. Fish all behaving normaly. Nothing dead in tank, no left over food.

Brown algae is growing on substrate. Easialy fixed with the right fish addition.

But why do I have nitrite and nitrate in the very very low stocked tank with plants?

I am also worried that your ph is so low.

Some of the naturally occurring causes of a ph drop include excess carbon dioxide, tannins from driftwood and the nitrification stage of biological filtration. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the natural product of respiration, so the more fish you have in your tank the higher your CO2 levels are likely to be.

If you bought the bonsai tree, it could be producing so much tannis, it is effecting your ph.
Hi. My local water is PH5.5-6, thats how it comes out of the tap.
Hi. My local water is PH5.5-6, thats how it comes out of the tap.
That is low ph for tiger barbs. They do prefer around 6.0-8.0 for ph. So you are still in the green zone.

I think your problem is your ph. That is the reason why your plants aren’t growing. And the reason why your tank isn’t cycling.

“Most aquarium plants do best at a pH between 6.5 and 7.8, general hardness of 50 ppm to 100 ppm and alkalinity between 3° and 8° dKH (54ppm – 140 ppm). Nitrates should be below 10 ppm and phosphates below 0.5 ppm to prevent nuisance algae from growing on leaves.”

Slow down here, and back up.

First, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a low pH, neither your plants nor Tiger Barbs will have pH issues.

Nitrite...are you certain of the test result being 2 ppm? I doubt this is possible, or the barbs would be at the surface gasping if not floating dead. not get a fish to deal with algae. First, you need to identify the algae, which will tell you/us what is causing it. Normal algae especially in new tanks is not a problem as the biological system has not yet established and stabilized. Problem algae has a root cause and only resolving that will deal with it in planted tanks. For the moment, ignore the algae.

GH...I see no mention of the GH in this thread. Do you know the GH of your source (tap) water? With a lowish pH I assume it is going to be low, but let's confirm. No point in having surprises down the road because we didn't check.

Light...I recommended previously to reduce the lighting period each day, and use a timer so it is consistent. Has that been done?

Fertilizer...this was mentioned but I can't see a follow-up that identified what is being used. Can you tell us the fertilizer(s) and how much?
@Byron, did you see my PM?

That’s why I was asking when the last time he tested was. I knew the figure of 2ppm didn’t sound right.

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