Zerba Dino - Pregnant Or Serious Illness ?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2009
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One of my Zebra Dinos go noticeably larger and has been this way for at least a week. Being that I have never seen a pregnant Zebra Dino, i'm not too sure what the situation is !! I have attached some poor photos of what the situation looks like. THANK YOU !


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It looks like it has a bent spine... not sure what may have caused this, best to let someone else explain this :)
He/she is very bloated, could be due to gulping lots of air whilst feeding on the surface. My lonesome danio was bloated in my tank too.
It could also be poor water quality. My tank had never been tested, so this might be the case.
Might pay to do a bit of research. You should post all your water stats up too. It can help with diagnosis. Hope this helps you :)
Bent spine indeed. But color is good to me, which to me it;s a sign it's not dropsy or so. Could be eggs that hardened inside this female. Not a lot you can do about it I am afraid. I'd leave it for as long it's not struggling. 
It's not struggling at all. It seems very healthy and active in fact...... I feel so bad :(
I read years ago that zebra dinos are quite prone to curved spines.
If the fish is  not struggling all you can do is just let it be for now
Causes bent spine are follows.
Old age, birth defect, injury, lack of vitamins, fish tb, internal parasites.
Just keep a look out for any fish going the same way.
Good Luck.

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