Your strangest tank decoration...

Acrus said:
Mine would have to be my old Lego pirate ship, complete with little cannons and tiny swashbucklers. This was back in my old tank, and my cory loved hanging around it, along with my rainbow shark. I had that in there for 5 years or so.
does that really work??? i was thinking about it for the longest time, since i have a ton of legos and i love to build things with them.....but i wasn't sure if they would float or not! so i never go to it....i was thinkin of makin a lego house or something....some sort of cave....if it doesn't hurt anything, it sounds like something i would have fun doin! :D :nod:
uhh... well when you order a drink it comes with an umbrella sometimes, i used a plant weight to hold it down, looks cool, i will get pics...

good night... :eek:
fishdudein said:
different pics or cutouts that I have wedged between the background and the tank;money
Dude, when people they put a lot of money in their tanks or throw a lot of money at 'em, they don't mean literally! :p Really, the money does more for the fish if you take it to the lfs and buy something for 'em.... :D :lol:

(Sorry, couldn't resist!) :p

aka Lizard
steppy104 said:
does that really work??? i was thinking about it for the longest time, since i have a ton of legos and i love to build things with them.....but i wasn't sure if they would float or not! so i never go to it....i was thinkin of makin a lego house or something....some sort of cave....if it doesn't hurt anything, it sounds like something i would have fun doin! :D :nod:
Absoluty! Lego is the greatest thing. :) But to be honest "some" Lego won't sink. It's the Pre-Shaped ones, I.E. The pieces that are shaped specifically for a certain boat, or say car, becasue they are solid chunks. But the good ol' Regular stuff, for sure! Just as long as you don't build in too many air pockets.

Now that you mention it, a little lego house would rock! heh... The nostalgia is rushing in, once i'm off work i think i'll dig up my old lego. :D

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